Parent Page

Hello parents! I am so excited about having your child in my class this year- it's going to be a great one! You will be receiving several items from our class that will need to be completed and returned to me. Myself and Mrs. Galloway-Smith will both be teaching your child this year, and they will switch between our classes for ELA, Math, Science, and Social Studies. I will be the Science Teacher for all students, while Mrs. Galloway-Smith is the Social Studies Teacher for all students. We will both be teaching ELA and Math in groups. I will be conducting your child's IEP meetings this year and will be gathering data through Curriculum Based Assessments. For our ELA class, students will be given a Reading Inventory and Phonics Inventory at the beginning of the school year, in January, and the last one is given at towards the end of the school year. For Math, students will be given a series of assessments at the beginning of the school year to help me determine their strengths and weaknesses. This allows me to teach what they need. 

Please sign up for Parent Backpack to stay informed!


Everything will be supplied for our classroom to learn, but we can always use additional items such as: tissues, Lysol wipes, highlighters, glue sticks, and tape.  

Grading Policy

The State Board of Education requires all schools to follow a statewide uniform grading scale. Middle school course averages have a floor of 50 for each grading period for each course.

Grading Scale: A (90-100) B (80-89) C (70-79) D (60-69) F (50 or less)

Major Assessments: 50% Minor Assessments: 50%

All students in this class are on a modified curriculum and grades are based upon ability and IEP expectations.