
Course Description English as a Second Language is a rigorous class that aims to develop student’s English proficiency levels in all four domains of language (reading, writing, speaking, and listening). It is also meant to support students in their other general education classes through development of critical thinking skills, academic vocabulary, and writing skills. Each lesson is designed to teach students content and oral/written language skills. The curriculum is developed following WIDA standards.

Course Objectives Students will be able to: ( According to their WIDA Screener and ACCESS scores)

-Argue persuasively in speech and writing

-Recognize and use academic vocabulary

-Use note-taking, reading, and study strategies to succeed in all classes

-Write for a variety of purposes and audiences -

Use correct forms and vocabulary for a variety of speaking situations

-Recognize and use idiomatic expressions and text structures

-Use critical thinking in real-world applications


I have two major expectations: be respectful and be responsible.

-be respectful

-keep the room neat for teacher and the next class

-ask permission to touch teacher’s/classmates’ property

-be courteous to your teacher and classmates

-use appropriate language

-Be responsible

-come to class regularly and arrive on time

-always have your chrome book charged

-bring your supplies to class


-Speak English as much as possible according to your knowledge.

-Consequences for breaking our agreement and guidelines:

-first step: warning/hallway conference

-second step: call home/parent conference with student

-Visit administrator

Safety Procedures:

-wash hands/use hand sanitizer frequently

-avoid touching as many things (especially your face) as possible

-walk on the right side at all time (hallway, stairwell, etc.)

-stay quiet or speak softly in order to hear instructions/announcements-

-remain seated and ask for permission

Materials needed:

  • Chrome book/charger