About Mrs. Coker

I am excited to be teaching at Monarch Elementary!! I graduated from Winthrop University with a Bachelor's Degree in Elementary Education with Kindergarten through 8th grade certification. I have my Master’s Degree in Social Studies from Furman University. I recently completed my Education Specialist Degree in Teaching and Curriculum. This is my twenty-seventh year of teaching in Greenville County (33rd year all together). I am looking forward to meeting with you and seeing what we can teach each other about history. I have taught fifth, sixth, seventh and eighth grades.

I am married (32 years in March of 2017) and have two daughters - Kellen and Kira. Kellen recently gave us our first granddaughter - Ellora Grace-Anne. I have three dogs - a Chihuahua named Bella, a slightly crazy Pugzu named Cooper, and our newest addition - a boxer mix named Tali. I LOVE old stuff and reading. I also love to integrate the arts into SS even though when I draw stick people they run as soon as I put feet on them. :) Be nice to my sad skills!!

I used to teach science and social studies in fifth grade at Lake Forest so my room has a blend of historical and scientific materials. A lot of my science stuff is just cool to look at. Ask me about my famous skull from Scar the lion.