Mrs. Allison's 5th Grade Class

Class Schedule: 

SEAL Time- 7:30-8:00

ELA (Reading, writing, word study)- 8:00-9:50

Break (Bathroom and Snack)- 9:50-10:00

Math- 10:00-10:55

Related Arts- 11:00-11:45

Small Groups- 11:45-12:15

Lunch- 12:15-12:40

Science & Social Studies- 12:40-1:30

Recess- 1:30-1:55

Pack up & Dismissal 1:55-2:00

Classroom Mission Statement: 

"As exemplary 5th grade leaders, we treat everyone with kindness and respect. We work hard to create a peaceful, positive, and supportive environment where can learn and grow in order to be successful and achieve our goals." - Mrs. Allison's Class