
Test Retake Form

Copy of BRMS request to retest .docx

Discover YOUR learning Style

Click the link and take the self-assessment: 

Once you know your learning style look at the document below to see methods you can use to help you tailor your study methods to get the most out of your education.

Learning Style Study Strategies.docx

Additional Resources

There are a number of excellent resources available to students. Please visit and explore the Media Center portion of the Blue Ridge Middle School website.

Web site with a daily SAT question.

The College Board offers all sorts of information for college bound students. Students can sign up for a SAT question of the day - it is free! Students can sign in and the web site will keep a running account of success. The questions are not just asked but also explained. This is great practice in preparation for the SAT!

Web site with really cool information about North Carolina – much of it applies to SC as well!

LEARN NC’s “digital textbook” for North Carolina history provides a new model for teaching and learning. It makes primary sources central to the learning experience, using them to tell the stories of the past rather than merely illustrating it. Special web-based tools help you learn to read those sources and ask good questions of them. And because it’s on the web, this textbook relies on multimedia whenever possible to supplement or even replace text.

Web site with information about Gullah - an even some stories for you to hear!

In the past, people have described the Gullah culture as quaint and the language as unintelligible. A closer look reveals a complex history and language with direct links to West Africa that survived slavery and thrived on the Sea Islands of South Carolina and Georgia. The Gullah experience has many variables that make it unique to each family and community. Gullah Net was designed to introduce Gullah culture and language to children on the Web.

Web site for the Sons of the American Revolution – lots of facts and info about events!

This site provides sound historical information and interpretation of the basis, events, people, and consequences of the American Revolution against tyranny and the struggle for liberty and independence.

Web site for all national parks and public trusts – includes a book section of the books sold at all parks

Eastern National currently operates educational retail outlets in 30 states, from Maine to the Caribbean. All of the products, programs and publications offered to visitors have a strong educational value and assist the educational programs of the Service. In fact, the profits from our activity is donated to the National Park Service and our other partners to further support these programs. Since 1947, we have donated over $89 million to the National Park Service.