
4th Grade Syllabus

Teacher: Mrs. Tania Laemmel

Grade: 4th 

Room #: 405

Units of Instruction:

Math-  1st Nine Weeks (Place Value, Factors and Multiples, Multiplication and Division Strategies), 2nd Nine Weeks (Composing and Decomposing Fractions with Addition and Subtraction, Understanding Fraction Equivalence, Recognizing and Analyzing attributes for Geometric principles, Angle Measurement) 3rd Nine Weeks (Angle Measurement, Measurement and Conversions, Solving problems using Multiplicative Comparisons, Solving Measurement problems with Fractions) 4th Nine Weeks (Solving addition/subtraction problems with Fractions, Multiplying Fractions by Whole Numbers, Comparing Decimal Fractions,  Multi-step Problem Solving with Whole Numbers)

Reading- 1st Nine Weeks (Building a Reading Life, Closely Reading Complex Text) 2nd Nine Weeks (Closely Reading Complex Text, Learning through Reading) 3rd Nine Weeks (Reading and Text Based Evidence, Testing as a Genre) 4th Nine Weeks (Testing as a Genre, Developing Identities as Nonfiction Readers)

Writing- 1st Nine Weeks (Small Moment Narrative), 2nd Nine Weeks (Personal Opinion, Informational), 3rd Nine Weeks (Informational, Persuasive Opinion), 4th Nine Weeks (Testing as a Genre, Narrative) 

Social Studies- 1st Nine Weeks (1st Americans, Exploration of the New World, Colonial America) 2nd Nine Weeks (Colonial America, Conflict in the Colonies, American Revolution) 3rd Nine Weeks ( American Revolution, Forming a New Government, Westward Expansion) 4th Nine Weeks (Westward Expansion, Civil War)

Science- Energy Resources, Changes in the Geosphere, Waves in Action,  Energy in Motion, Senses and Survival

Grading: Below you will find the district grading scale and the weights of the grades your child will earn.

Grading Scale:

100-90 A

89-80 B

79-70 C

69-60 D

59-50 F

District Grade Weightings for Math, ELA, Science, and Social Studies: 

Minor Grades = 60%

Major Grades = 40%

Daily Schedule: 

7:30-Morning Work

7:45-8:10 Seal Time

8:10-8:15 Class Novel

8:15 Starts Reading  and Writing 

10:05-10:50 Related Arts

10:50-11:55 Math

12:00 Lunch and Recess

1:00-1:55 Science and SS 

1:55-2:05 Pack up/dismissal

Missed Work/Make up Policy:  

1. Provisions for make-up or school work missed during excused absences shall be worked out with the teacher(s) concerned at the earliest time possible but should not exceed (5) five school days after the student returns to school. 

2. Make-up of schoolwork missed during unexcused absences may be approved only with permission of the principal after consultation with the teacher(s) concerned. 

3. Parents should call prior to 10:00 a.m. for students’ work after absences of more than one (1) day. The teacher will have the assignments in the office by 2:30. 

Homework Policy:

Most of the time, a few Math problems will be given daily.  If there are any quizzes/tests, this is posted on the board as well as on the Homework tab of my website.  Students will use their planners to write their homework.

Supplies: Pencils, crayons, scissors, notebooks, glue, earbuds, textbooks, and fully charged computer

Classroom Management Plan:

 Classroom expectations to be followed:

1.     I expect you to have all materials for the morning at your desk before the morning bell rings.

2.     I expect you to get started on the assignment on the board when you come into the classroom.

3.     I expect you to raise your hand when you wish to speak and not get out of your seat without permission.

4.     I expect you not to touch anyone else with your hands, your feet, or any objects.

5.     I expect you to adjust your voice level to fit the activity.

6.     I expect you to show respect to your classmates, the teacher, and any guests.

If you choose not to meet my expectations, the following are the consequences:

If the classroom expectations are not met, you will be warned and given a chance to improve your behavior. If I have to speak to you again your recess will be in a restricted area. If I have to speak to you again, then your parents will be contacted.  If expectations are still not met, then you will be referred to the office.

Severe Disruption- Immediate referral to the office

Classroom Reward System:

1.     Verbal praise

2.     Class link earned for class reward

3.     Treats (candy, stickers, no homework passes, etc..)

4.     Whole class reward

5.     Happy call or notes home

Procedures for non-instructional routines:

A procedure is a method or process of how things are to be done in the classroom.

1. Procedure for the beginning of the day

The teacher does not start the day in the classroom. The bell does not start the day in the classroom. You start the day when you arrive in the classroom. When you arrive to the room, you will need to sharpen your pencils for the day, gather needed materials, and begin morning work.

2. Procedure for using the restroom

Students will have two restroom breaks a day. One in the morning and one in the afternoon. All other restroom time will be used only in emergencies.

3. Procedure for going to lunch and related arts

You are expected to line up according to the entrees. You are expected to be silent in line and in the hallways. When music is playing at lunch, remember to be quiet and eat your lunch.

4. Procedure for quieting the class

.         If a student needs me, they are to raise their hand.  Students know to not come up to me just to talk.  I will come to them.

·         If I need their attention, I will do the clapping game.  I will also say, for example, “Ready to rock?”  They say, “Ready to roll.”  I use similar phrases like that one.  Give me 5 is another.  I will count down while talking to them to let them know what my expectations are.

·         The use of the word mannequin works as well to get their attention.

5. Procedure for dismissal at the end of the day

The bell doesn’t dismiss the class. You do not dismiss the class. The teacher dismisses the class. At the end of the day you will need to copy down your homework assignments in your agenda, complete afternoon jobs, pack your materials, and stack your chair. You will then be dismissed by the teacher.


Grades will be sent home regularly  in a folder on Monday, but please check the parent portal to view your child's progress. Inside the Monday folder there will be conduct/ behavior chart  that will reflect the previous week's behavior and missing assignments.  The conduct/behavior chart will have to be signed and returned with the folder the next day. Please keep the graded papers at home. 

Parents may communicate with through email to, by phone 355-8366, or by writing me a note. I will respond within a 24 hour time frame. I will communicate with parents by email, phone, writing a note home, or through the weekly folder that comes home every Monday.  I will also communicate with parents through my website and my weekly newsletter.