About Me

About Me

Hello, all! I am from the small town of Punta Gorda, Florida. I moved to Tampa to attend the University of South Florida where I began my teaching career. This will be my sixth year teaching! I love it just as much as my very first day. I felt a calling to teach in high school, won over by a few amazing fifth graders. The kids are still my reason and I will continue to do what it best for them always. I have taught kindergarten, 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade. I like all of them for different reasons, I can't choose a favorite!

I focus strongly on social skills including kindness, integrity, and working together in tough situations. My hope is that these skills will carry over in all areas of the kids' lives and for the long term.

I also am huge on conservation. I am a religious recycler, minimalist, and animal lover. Don't be surprised if your kid starts saving ants by the end of the year. I apologize in advance...


  • dogs
  • puns
  • dark chocolate
  • using my Cricut
  • reading biographies, cook books, or education articles (nerd alert)
  • recycling/composting
  • political dramas, food documentaries
  • hiking
  • working out
  • Chick-fil-A
  • cooking for others

Zero Waste Classroom

I hate to say it, parents but your child has a hippie as a teacher… Any eye rolls yet? Here’s why you’ll LOVE this: you don’t have to buy as much! Can I get an AMEN to that?!

In an effort to cut down our waste in the classroom, I am shooting for as LITTLE garbage as possible this school year. That means recycling most of it but mostly just not using materials just to use them. I have the basics already that I’ve collected over the years. Scissors, books, enough glue sticks to last a lifetime. While there are some things that we will always need, I hope to NOT ask you guys for that many extras.

Hopefully you’ll notice the supply list is short. There will be times throughout the year that I may ask you to send in things from home such as boxes or toilet paper rolls. Other than pencils and filler paper, I hope most of our classroom will not consist of a thousand pounds of trash like I have in years’ passed. Like I said, I’m a hippie, but it also benefits you!

My Promise to You:

I promise to TEACH your child.

They will get the absolute highest level of education I can offer each day when they enter my classroom. I vow to bring my “A game” in planning the most efficient and effective lessons. I will keep your individual child in mind in all subjects and alter my teaching to meet what THEY need. They are not a number, they are a student who deserves only the best.

I promise to LOVE your child.

I am not naive to the idea that you are entrusting your most IMPORTANT possession in my care each and every day of the school year. I take this role of not only teaching but raising your child when they are at school extremely seriously. It is an absolute honor to work with the greatest humans on Earth – your kids. When your child’s two feet enter my classroom, they will know that their teacher cares about them on a personal level and wants success for them as much as their parents do. Our classroom is your child’s second home. We learn, eat, discuss, play, argue, laugh, and take responsibility together. Everything you do at home will also be incorporated in school as well.

I promise to be APPROACHABLE and available.

It truly takes a VILLAGE. I consider a successful year one that equally involves the teachers, parents, and students. All three parties must be involved and working. I want you to raise any concerns if you have them, I will bring mine to you for support at home, and the student will be aware of all that is discussed involving their education.

Emails, texts, notes, conferences – any way that works best for you, let’s keep that communication open! Feel free to reach out for anything and I will do my very best to accommodate. It’s all about the KIDS.

Love always,

Miss Taylor