Standards and Syllabus

Course Overview

Beginner ESOL(WIDA proficiency levels 1.0-2.5) builds a basic English foundation with expectations to further develop grammar, sentence patterns, vocabulary, research skills, and confidence. Some of the activities that you can expect are class/group presentations, writing compositions, fluency exercises, real-world reading assignments, paired research and active and ongoing participation evaluations. This class is designed to improve your practical ability as well as, understand and use content vocabulary from your courses. 

Classroom Supplies


*You are expected to arrive to class on time. 

*You are expected to come prepared with your CHARGED chromebook and workbook.

*You are expected to respect others (and their property) and receive respect 

* You are expected to do your best! 😊


*Come to class, take a seat, and begin your Bell Ringer assignment on the front board

*Raise your hand to ask a question

*Turn in assignments on time.

* Wait until the teacher dismisses you to leave class

Behavior Management 

*For a detailed list of steps taken for inappropriate behavior, please refer to your handbook.

- Respect your classmates and teacher. 

- Respect all classroom furniture and supplies

- Voices are to remain at a comfortable level. 

- No singing or beating on the desk (or anything else) in a rhythmic form. 

- Cell phones are not to be visible. If you have one it should be off and in your backpack.

- No food, gum or drink other than bottled water.


Grading and Evaluation 

Most of your grades will come from classwork, tests, and quizzes. Bryson MS runs on a 50%-50% policy. Please note that classroom participation is mandatory.

A=100-90 B=89-80 C=79-70 D=69-60 F=59 and below




Mrs. Monica Heller

Contact Information

Phone: 864-355-2154



Houghton Mifflin Harcourt: Collections 8

Course Title

English Studies 8th

Course Description

English Studies 8 is designed to prepare students for College and Career readiness as required by the South Carolina State Standards. The curriculum exposes students to a variety of genres, both literary and informational.

Course Outline

Unit 1: Literary Study/Narrative Writing

Unit 2: Informational Texts/Informational Writing

Unit 3: Informational Texts/Argumentative Writing

Unit 4: Literary Study/Literary Analysis

Required Materials

Binder (1-inch)

Dividers (5)

Loose-leaf paper


Pens (black/blue)


Classroom Expectations

The classroom rules are as follows and are in addition to school wide rules:

§ Students will bring all needed materials to class.

§ Students will follow directions the first time they are given.

§ Students will remain in their seat unless they have permission to do otherwise.

§ Students will be respectful of others at all times.

§ Phones are not permitted in class unless otherwise instructed. Devices must be powered off and kept out of sight in backpack.

If you choose to break a rule: See student/parent handbook. Each student will have a private discussion with me when rules are broken. We will work together to develop an action plant to follow rules in order to maximize learning for all.

Grading Policy

The Uniform Grading Policy approved by the State Board of Education is effective for all students enrolled in unit-bearing classes, including those offered at the middle school level. Students will receive numeric grades for all subjects using the grading scale below:

A 90-100

B 80-89

C 70-79

D 60-69

F 59 and below

GFA: Grading Floor Applied= 50/F

NHI: Not Handed In= 50/F

Late Work Policy

Students are encouraged to use time before school, after school and during SAIL to complete assignments to avoid late work. If a student is absent on the date an assignment is assigned, the student will have 5 days without penalty to make up the assignment.

Redo/Retake/Revision Procedures