Procedures and Expectations

Miss Ashley’s classroom procedures:

Entering the classroom-

In person: come in and immediately go to your seat and get your supplies out. Begin bellringer and raise your hand for questions.

*i will have a timer running if you are not in your seat ready to begin when timer goes off you will be counted as tardy

Attendance and tardies- if you miss a day it is up to you to get your work from the absent crate at the front of class when you return. You will have 2 days to complete work and turn back in.

Tardies: 3 tardies and then lunch detention.

Bell ringer work- all bell work will be given on a sheet of paper are the beginning of the week. You will receive a minor grade at the end of each week for all 5 days of bellwork (or however long we will be having class that week).

Cell phones- no cell phones, if they are out you will be asked to put it up, if failure to do so you will be sent to the principal with a phone call home

Passing in papers- pass to the side then up process

Transitioning from one activity to another- timer of 3 minutes

Materials - expectation is for all students to have paper, pencil, books, chromebooks, but if you forget something you can borrow a pencil from the pencil cup or paper/chromebook charger

*not to be made a habit

Exiting classroom- stay in seat until the teacher says it is time to switch classes. Quietly get up and exit.

Restroom- 4 passes per quarter. Must get pass to go and only one person at a time

Turning in assignments- virtual will be turned in through google classroom. Paper assignments will be turned in in the correct crate based on class period.

Attention please- when i say, “I need your attention in 3, 2, 1” voices off and attention on me.

Volume management- Independent work means quiet time, group or partner work use inside voices

If you find yourself not using the correct voice level you will first get a 1. Warning, 2. Lunch detention, 3. Phone call

Food- none but you can have something to drink. If you spill it, you clean it :)

Technology expectations- No phones, use chromebooks as needed depending on lesson. **if you are seen on a website or game you are not supposed to be on you will receive a

-lunch detention (1st offense)

-parent phone call (2nd offense)

You may be allowed to listen to music on your chromebook at certain times, but no headphones allowed in unless you are told you can use them or they will be taken taken and detention issued

Reward system-

*positive notes home/reward

*chain link competition

I am so excited to get to know each of you better this year and see how much you all can grow! It is going to be a wonderful year!!

“I’ve always loved the first day of school better than the last day of school because they are beginnings.”