Parent Info

Syllabus 17-18.doc (1).pdf

There are many things that you, as a parent, can do to make sure that your child has a successful year. Below I have listed a few things that I hope you will find helpful!

Read with your child every night.

Check your child's agenda each night. Homework will be assigned on Monday through Thursday nights.

Sign the weekly folder which comes home on Friday. All of the papers with grades are recorded in my grade book. Any paper with a grade of a D or U needs to be signed and returned.

A paper that is marked “C/R” means that your student has the opportunity to correct the paper and return it to me to be re-graded. The two grades will be averaged to determine the final grade.

Click on these link for more information on signed papers as well as correct & return papers.

The class newsletter will be e-mailed by Monday of each week.

Ask your child what they are learning in class.

Feel free to contact me if you have any questions. My e-mail is and voice mail is 355-3645.

Click on the link below for directions on how to reach textbooks online.