
Homework Policy

  1. Homework will be assigned on a day-to-day basis and should not exceed 1 hour (projects and daily reading are not included in this time.)

  2. Homework is due the morning after it is assigned unless otherwise noted.

  3. I will use my website to communicate homework to parents. Homework will also be written daily on the whiteboard. During this time, students will record their homework assignments and any reminders in their student planners. Please check​ these planners daily.

Communication with Parents

  • Monday Folders: Each week, students will receive ‘Monday folders’ that will include weekly progress reports of graded rubrics, tests, quizzes, and other work from the previous week. Folders will​ also contain useful information and flyers from the PTA and surrounding community. Parents, please read through all documents carefully and sign the communication log located on the back of the folder weekly. Monday folders will also contain a weekly newsletter which will include items such as spelling words, tests, and important dates. This can also be found on this website.

  • Websites and boards in my room will be used to display classwork, homework and reminders.

Missed Work / Make-up Policy

Any missed work due to an absence must be made up within five days of returning to school, including any homework, tests, quizzes, or projects missed.

Student Assessments Grading Scale

​• Projects 90-100 A

• Written assignments 80-89 B

• Quizzes 70-79 C

• Tests 60-69 D

• Portfolios 50-59 F

• Labs