Parent Resources

MHS New Personal Electronic Device Policy:

There will not be any cell phones, earbuds, airpods or headphones accessible, visible, or in use in the classroom unless the teacher has explicitly given permission to use it for instructional purposes.

 The procedure for Ms Smith’s classroom is when students enter the classroom, cell phones will be silenced or turned off and put in the student’s backpack. If the student has earbuds, airpods or headphones, they will be placed in the students backpack. Any smart watches will also be silenced and put in the students backpack. 

The student will remove their charged chromebook from their backpack and zip up their backpack. The backpack will be placed in the front of the classroom. When the bell rings, the student will get his/her backpack when exiting the classroom.

Cellphone Policy & Consequences

2023-2024 MHS Tardy Policy

MHS Student & Parent Handbook

Make-Up Work:

● Student had an excused absence as coded in PowerSchool (ex. medically documented illness or appointment, bereavement, court date) or an unexcused parent note.

● Student has 5 days from the date of their return to complete assignments.

We encourage all of our parents to create their own account for Backpack, which gives you access to your students grades.

These are links to additional resources that you may find helpful:

SC Credential

SC Vocational Rehabilitation  


SC Department of Disabilities and Special Needs