In-School Suspension (ISS)

In School Suspension (ISS) is a consequence students may face when they do not follow the rules outlined in the MMS Student Handbook. The easiest way to avoid ISS is to follow school and classroom rules and to be considerate and respectful to people and of property.

ISS Rules

General Info

In-School Suspension (ISS) is located in Room G-120 on the 8th grade hall.

Students should bring their backpack, paper, pencil, a water bottle, and class materials to complete assignments.

If a student is absent, they will serve ISS on the next school day they are in attendance.

If a student has an early dismissal, they will need to serve their missed seat time (starting the same time they left school) on the next school day they are in attendance.

Start of ISS

Students serving ISS should first report to their Flex class at the start of the school day for attendance.

At the end of Flex, they are to report to the ISS room with backpacks and all items they will need for dismissal at the end of the day. Failure to report to ISS at the assigned time may result in the student making up missed time the next day they are at school.

ISS Lunch

Lunch in ISS is at 11:30 AM to Noon in the ISS room. ISS rules still apply during lunch time. Bagged lunches will be provided to all students. Once students finish lunch, they are to clean their desk area and continue working on assignments for their teachers.


Students will be dismissed at the end of the school day from the ISS room. Phones are not allowed out until they are dismissed for the day and out of the room, not when the bell rings. Exceptions to this rule are allowed to call a parent or guardian about how they are getting home in the afternoon.

Questions regarding ISS assignment should be directed to grade-level administrators.