Parent Info

Reminder if you want to chapperone a field trip or volunteer in the class, you will need to get district approval found on the school web site.

On Monday's in the front of your child's folder you will find my weekly newsletter informing you of the week’s events and important reminders. Inside the folder you will find two pockets. One pocket is labeled “Keep at Home” and the other is labeled “Return to School.” You may also find other forms that will need to be filled out and returned to school (field trip forms, questionnaires about your child, conference forms, etc.). The “Keep at Home” pocket is usually filled with your child’s work from the week before. You may keep the work. If you have any questions about the work, please put it into the “Return to School” pocket with a note. Please return the folder every day. Also in the blue folder you will find a reading log, this is where you document the completion of your child's homework.


In the agendas, you will find your child’s colored behavior chart on the daily calendar that will need to be initialed by a parent or guardian each day. Please check the agenda daily, as special notes and reminders will be sent home each day in this agenda.

Related Arts Schedule 12:25-1:20

Monday-1:30-2:15 Computer lab

Tuesday- Music

Wednesday- STEAM lab

Thursday- PE

Friday- Art


In our classroom, each child will start the day with their clip on green. If good behavior choices are made he/she will move up the behavior chart accordingly. If poor choices are made, clips will be moved accordingly.

Purple = great job

Green = Ready to Learn

Yellow = Think About It

Orange = Teacher’s choice

If your child’s clip has been moved, he/she will have the opportunity to earn back to “Green” or higher as their behavior improves throughout the day. We will communicate with you daily with our agendas. It is very important for you to sign and return these each day. Please celebrate your child’s wonderful behavior and efforts each day!