
A typical night of homework usually consists of a practice page of the math we covered that day.  There may also be material assigned to study in another subject area such as Science or Social Studies.

Math and Reading Logs

I also offer an opportunity to earn extra credit in Math and/or Reading through the weekly Math Log and Reading Log.  If students choose to participate, they will spend 20 solid minutes 4 times a week practicing math skills or reading a book of their choice.  For the Math Log, I recommend using IXL to practice math online, but students can also do flash cards, worksheets, online math games, etc.   

Each time a student turns in a Math Log or Reading Log that is completed and signed by their parent, they earn a 100 minor grade in that subject.  This can be very helpful for the extra practice it provides as well as the grade boost it provides.

See below for Math Log and Reading Log

Reading Log.pdf
Math Log.pdf