
Our 4th grade spelling consists of words that follow particular patterns and Greek and Latin Stems.  

For spelling, we will introduce 5 words for the week.  Each week, those 5 words will go into a word bank.  The first test will only have 5 words, but all other tests will have the 5 words for the week and 5 randomly selected spelling words from the previous week.

For the Greek and Latin stems, we will study the meaning of the two stems for the week and apply those to the meaning of the words on our list.  There will be an activity sheet each week to practice using these words in context.  Students do not have to be able to spell the Stem words, but they will have to match the words to their definition and define the two stem words on the weekly spelling test.


This year we will read many different books covering many different genres.  I love to read Historical Fiction novels with my class that partner with our Social Studies units, but I also throw in some realistic fiction and other genres throughout the year.  


We are continuing a schoolwide Writing program this year called Project Read Written Expression.  This program is designed to help our students develop sentence structure skills that will carry over to constructing paragraphs and whole writing pieces on a much higher level.  

Fourth graders will work on Narrative Writing, Opinion Writing, and Informational Writing.  We will also work on Text Dependent Analysis writing for the state test.