Accessing Carnegie online textbook and Mathia Help

Accessing Mathia and Carnegie Textbook on Backpack

As a reminder please have the students check the Weekly Planner on this RMS website for the weekly homework and the due dates. Student can access the Mathia homework software and their textbook through their backpack as shown in the image above and described below;

In order to attain mastery in math this school year, the students will need to complete their weekly homework practice and review for quizzes and tests using the textbook practice problems under the unit we are studying as described below;

1) To access the Mathia homework students will log into Backpack where they access their grades

2) Once in Backpack the students will access Carnegie under Education Apps

3) Students will press the blue button to access Mathia to do their homework. In order to access the textbook they will use the pull down button as shown above and access MSM Course 2 for Math 7 or Grade 7 Advanced for Math 7/8 as shown in the image above (MSM Course 2 shown above but Math 7/8's pull down will have the Grade 7 Advanced). The textbook can be used to review for quizzes and tests where they can practice the problems under the Unit we are learning.

Mastery in Mathia

Mathia is very different from Aleks and measures Mastery as you complete problems. The above bar with circles shows up on the right corner of every workspace the student completes. If the circle is blue or unfilled as seen above, the student has not mastered the workspace and the standards in the unit, and their performance score will be low. However if the circles start turning green, the student is beginning to master the concepts. Also if the student uses too many hints, this counts against their performance score and they really need to be building on what they have learned as they do the problems.  Please guide your student on this as they complete the homework assignments.