Contact Information

Contact information


Phone: (864) 355-1419

Room Number: 724

Office Hours: 11:40-1:00

My Schedule

7:30-8:30 AM Duty as Scheduled

8:30-9:00 AM FLEX/Advisory

9:00-9:55 AM ELA with Mrs Randolph

10:00-10:55 AM Math with Mr Bond

10:58-11:23AM Lunch with Students

11:38-12:24 PM Planning 1

12:28-1:14 PM Planning 2

1:20-2:20 PM ELA with Ms Franklin

2:24-3:15 PM Math with Ms Rodgers

3:15-3:45PM Duty as Scheduled

About Me

I was born in Jonesboro, Georgia. My father was in the US Army so we moved around a bit more than most families. At the age of 1, we moved to West Germany for 6 years. We then moved to Oklahoma for about 9 months before settling in South Carolina. I completed elementary, middle and high school in Anderson County District 1 schools. After high school, I went to Wofford College to study history. 

The wanderlust of my youth never left me so by the time college graduation came around, I had already secured a job and bought a ticket to Seoul, South Korea. I taught ESOL there for two years before moving on to Hong Kong, where I taught for 15 years. During my time in Asia, I got married. My wife and I have three children-two daughters and a son. They share our interest in traveling to new places and experience new things. In 2021, due to political unrest, my wife and I decided to relocate our family to the US. We chose to move to Greenville to be closer to my parents, brother and extended family.

Here are some pictures of my family from this year and our two cats:

Joe's Pizza in NYC

US Postal Museum in DC

GSM National Park

Universal Studios Japan

Our Fur Babies

Frappuccino 'Frappe' and Ella