6th Grade Photos

Students studied the art of Picasso as part of our Spain unit.  They had a great time making Picasso Art Faces.

Students tried Coca Bread, a traditional dish from Spain, as part of our unit on Spain.  

Students learned about Spain's famous Flamenco Dance.  They made fans and learned a few dance movements as part of our unit on Spain.

As an introduction to our unit on Mexico, students participated in an Information Walk.  Students gathered information on various aspects of Mexico's geography and culture during their walks.

Students received Mexican Pesos and were asked to add them together, determine their value in US dollars, and then given a Spanish Shopping Advertisement.  Students purchased at least 3 items in pesos and then converted the value to US dollars.

As part of our unit on Mexican culture, students created a Papel Picado Banner piece individually which was then strung together to create a class banner.  Students were allowed to create an additional piece to take home.

As part of our unit on Mexico, students tried authentic Mexican Hot Chocolate (recipe is on my web page under "recipes."  Students each used a molinillo utensil to froth the hot chocolate prior to pouring. 

As part of our Hot Chocolate tasting.  Students learned the Choco-lat-e dance.  Mr. Gillette joined the class for the dance - click on the video to see the fun.

Students created Sugar Skulls as part of our Mexican Culture unit.

Students ended our Mexican Culture unit with the creation of individual Piñatas.  Come back to this page soon to see the class piñatas and our piñata party scheduled when the weather is a little warmer (hopefully next week)

As the culminating activity for our Mexican culture unit, students tried Fideo with warm tortilla shells which is a comfort food dish in the Mexican culture (recipe is on my website - under recipes)

After students finished creating their piñatas, we had a piñata party.  All students were able to add candy to their individual piñatas to take home.