
Bryson Middle School

7th Grade Science Syllabus 2019-20

Dear Students and Parents/Guardians,

Welcome to 7th Grade Science!

Course Description: 7th Grade Science is designed to expose students to many facets of the natural world through science and engineering practices. Physical Science, Life Science & Ecology will all be taught as an integrated course and with the STEAM approach. Students will utilize the science and engineering practices to identify and solve problems, apply critical thinking skills to everyday situations, work cooperatively to achieve common goals, make connections between science concepts and current events, connect science and technology using computers and laboratory equipment, make scientific connections through the writing process, and see how different sciences are dependent on each other. Communication, collaboration, creativity, and critical thinking are important skills in science as it is in life, so group projects may include designing and building models, oral and/or written reports, and group work.

The curriculum for this course is based the 2014 SC Science Curriculum Standards. Science standards can be viewed at the SC State Department of Education website or on my teacher website.

Course Content Standards:

This class will meet South Carolina Standards for Science with an emphasis on:

I. Science and Engineering Practices- Student will use the science and engineering practices, including the processes and skills of scientific inquiry, to develop understandings of science content.

II. Physical Science: Classification and Conservation of Matter- Students will demonstrate an understanding of the structure and properties of matter and that matter is conserved as it undergoes changes.

III. Life Science: Organization in Living Things- Students will demonstrate an understanding of how the levels of organization within organisms support the essential functions of life.

IV. Life Science: Inheritance and Variation of Traits- Students will demonstrate an understanding of how genetic information is transferred from parent to offspring and how environmental factors and the use of technologies influence the transfer of genetic information.

V. Ecology: Interactions of Living Systems and the Environment- Students will demonstrate an understanding of how organisms interact with and respond to the biotic and abiotic components of their environments.

Course Requirements: Every student is responsible for and expected to follow all rules and guidelines set forth in the Bryson Middle School Student Handbook regarding the attendance, tardy, ID badge, Bring Your Own Technology (B.Y.O.T), Plagiarism/Cheating, and discipline policy.

Classroom Expectations:

For all of our students to be successful in our classrooms, students are expected to:

Be honest and truthful at all times.

Have a positive attitude.

Respect his or her classmates, teacher, and visitors.

Give 100% effort when completing tasks. Do ALL assigned work!!!

Follow the school dress code, classroom expectations, and lab safety guidelines.

Be on time to class.

Come prepared with all daily supplies.

Enter the room quietly and orderly and immediately begin the daily starters.

Stay in his or her assigned seat throughout class unless he or she has been given permission to get up.

Remain in their seat until a teacher dismisses them from class. The bell does not dismiss students from class.

Clean up around his or her desk and push in his or her chair before leaving the classroom.

Respect the property of others and refrain from writing on or damaging textbooks, furniture, and/or other classroom supplies.

Laboratory Guidelines (see Safety Contract sent at the beginning of school)

Tardy Policy: Students are expected to be on time to class every day. Once a student receives a 4th tardy, to school or to class, he or she will serve ISS during lunch/courtyard time. After four occurrences, students will be issued a disciplinary referral. The student will then repeat the process until the next “4th” tardy. Repeated tardies may result in additional disciplinary consequences. In addition, excessive tardies to school 15 may require an attendance intervention conference with the parent/guardian and student with the school attendance clerk.

Disciplinary Consequences: Each disciplinary consequence is based on the situation and is at our discretion. Consequences will generally follow the order of the following: 1st offense: warning; 2nd offense: warning and parent contact; 3rd offense: referral. Any severe disruption or disciplinary infraction in class will result in an immediate office referral.

Student Agendas and Hall Passes: Students are required to bring their agenda to class every day and write down any homework assignments. If there is no homework for a given day, students are to write “none.” Student agendas will be checked periodically. Hall passes are written at our discretion.

Cell Phones and Bring Your Own Technology: When cell phones and/or other student personal devices are not being used for educational purposes directed by the teacher, students will be expected to keep them silenced in his/her locker or placed in their backpacks.

Dismissal from Class: When the bell rings at the end of each period, the teacher will dismiss the class. Students are free to go when the teacher feels they are quiet and have all necessary information for the day.

Supply List: You will need the following items:

1- 1.5" 3-Ring Binder (you may use one binder for both science and math)

2- Regular Pencils &/or pens

3- Earbuds or headphones

4- Colored pencils (optional but recommended)

Daily Supplies: Students are required to bring the following supplies to class daily.


3-Ring Binder

Pencils and pens

Dry-erase markers (optional)

Highlighters (optional)

Colored pencils (optional)


ID Badge

Appropriate, Extra Reading Material

Students are NOT allowed to use or bring the following items to class: whiteout, lotions, sprays, etc…

Optional Donations for our Classroom: All donations are greatly appreciated!!!

Paper Towels and Tissues

Hand Sanitizer

• Clorox Disinfecting Wipes

• Jolly Ranchers or other hard candy

• Liquid Soap

• Dry Erase Markers

• Highlighters

Grade Computation: This grading policy is in compliance with the Greenville County Schools’ policy.

Major Assessments 50%

Tests, Formal Lab Reports, Projects,

Formal Writing Assignments

Minor Assessments 50%

Quizzes, Homework, Class Work, Bell-work, Participation

• Grading Scale:

A=90-100 B=80-89 C=70-79 D=60-69 F=50-59

• Homework: Students are expected to read over their science notes every night in preparation for classwork, tests and quizzes. Students may take work home that was not completed in class, finish at home and turn it in at the beginning of the next class if they need extra time.

• Tests: Tests are announced 3-5 days in advance and dates will be posted in Google classroom.