Contact & Class Information

Contact Information: email me at

School phone: 865-355-2100 (office) 864-355-2191 (class voicemail).

*If you email or call me after school hours, I may not be able to get back to you until the next school day.

Tutoring hours:

  • Wednesdays & Fridays 3:15-3:45 pm and mornings by appointment.

Homework: There will be some form of homework given most school days. This may include the finishing of classwork, practice worksheets, research and/or the review and studying of notes or handouts in preparation for quizzes and tests.

*Students should use their BMS Agendas (planner) to write down assignments and homework daily.

Grades in Science will consist of 50% tests and projects (major grades) and 50% quizzes, homework, classwork, labs, notebook checks, participation, etc. (minor grades).

Supplies: Students will be using their Chromebooks and Google classroom this year, where they will be able to find their Science notes, slideshows, review documents, homework and activities. Please also bring a three-ring binder specifically for Science, plus earbuds, and regular and colored pencils with you to class each day.

Optional donations: (always appreciated throughout the year). Tissues, paper towels, Hand sanitizer, dry erase markers, No.2 pencils, colored pencils, pens, colored paper.