Your Art Teacher

My Story

I ​ grew up in Pennsylvania and moved to Massachusetts when I was 11. In my Sophomore year of High School, I knew I wanted to pursue a career in art. I attended Anderson University, which is how I ended up in South Carolina! I graduated in 2015 with a BA in Art Education. I met my husband at Anderson and we celebrated our two year anniversary this October!

We just had our first child this year on May 26th! His name is Carter James, and he is already a little heart breaker :)

If at first you don't succeed, try try again!

One thing that I strive to communicate to my students, is that no one is Picasso after their first try. Even the greats had to practice practice practice! It is very frustrating when things don't turn out the way we plan. But in art class, we learn that mistakes are good! That is how we learn, and the more we practice, the better we get :)

Here are a few examples of my artwork :)

The bottom left picture is an oil painting, the bottom left picture is a 3 part Linolium block print, and the top right picture are two mermaid ewers that I made in a ceramic wheel throwing class!