Art 101: FAQ

ART 101: Frequently Asked Questions

When is the deadline to apply?

The deadline to enroll one week before the start date.

Even if you have not taken the ACCUPLACER placement test by this time, please submit your application to Gloria Collins.  Please take the ACCUPLACER no later than two weeks before the start date. Follow the instructions on the second page here to take it at Greenville Technical College. 

Alternately, a 480 or higher on the Verbal portion of the SAT and/or a 19 or higher on the English portion of the ACT count for ENG 101 placement.

Can I leave class early for another engagement?

Not applicable for Virtual Course.  

Because the class is accredited, students need to be present for a minimum of 80% of the course.  Once a student misses more than 20%, he or she will be removed from the class regardless of grade. Missed class time includes arriving late, leaving early, and/or missing a full class.  Typically, 20% equals six missed meeting times.

What is the workload?

The entirety of the course assignments are online. 

The course is made up of Unit Exams (tests), Online quizzes, Journal Entries, Discussion Board postings, and short written assignments. 

How do I know if my college will accept the ART 101 credit?

GTC is accredited through SACS.  Because of this, the course should transfer as a Humanities General Education Requirement at most regional schools.  You can see the transfer list on your college’s website. Search “college name + transfer course equivalencies” or call a representative at your college.

What is a General Education requirement?

General Education requirements are the courses that colleges require their students to take before they progress into the classes that are specific to a major.

What is a Humanities credit?

Humanities is usually one of the categories for the General Education Requirements.  Usually, regardless of major, students have to meet at least one Humanities requirement.

Where can I find the application?

You will need to complete the application online.  See Gloria Collins for help with this.

Where will the class meet?

There are no scheduled meeting times for the Virtual ART 101 course. 

I took the ACCUPLACER at another high school, do I have to take it again?

No, students only have to take the ACCUPLACER once, regardless of where they take it.

Will the ACCUPLACER be offered at the Fine Arts Center?

Not at this time.

Why do I have to place into ENG 101?

The ENG 101 placement is a requirement for the course to maintain SACS accreditation. This requirement is in place to ensure that students have the reading and writing skills necessary to be successful in the course.  

I don’t have internet at home, can I still access the course information?

Students are required to have internet access in order to complete this course. 

Students should plan ahead if they are not able to complete any online coursework from home.  The Blackboard shell includes support documents; however, it does not include any required assignment information that the student would not be able to access from the FAC beforehand.  As long as the student can print assignments and access the textbook from home, he or she should be prepared to participate and be successful in class.

My parents and I have more questions, who should we talk to?

Rebecca Roth, the instructor, is happy to answer questions in person, over the phone, or through email.  Please email to schedule a meeting.