Art History 101

Program Overview

The ART 101 course is a part of the Early College Program through Greenville Technical College and is free for Fine Arts Center students.  The course covers visual literacy and an overview of the Art Historical Canon, beginning with prehistoric art and ending with late 20th Century art.  The overview focuses on the larger art historical movements.  Students who complete the course will have an increased understanding and appreciation of the art world, thus improving their understanding of their own culture and the connections between their discipline and the history of art and culture.  This is a beneficial course for all students at the Fine Arts Center.  Finally, the course is accredited and meets the General Education Humanities requirement at most colleges. 

2024 Fall Virtual ART 101:

Start Date: August 26, 2024

End Date: December 15, 2024

Meeting Times: no scheduled meetings (asynchronous online) 

ART 101 is offered as an asynchronous online course.  The course will consist only of at-home assignments.  The content, material, assignments, expectations, and coursework will still be the same as a regular class. Additionally, the provided content includes a large amount of extra study materials in the form of videos, podcasts, short essays, quizzes, flashcards, etc… that will help the student learn the material.  The instructor will be available by appointment to meet with students in-person if/when necessary after the first week of class. 

Benefits of Early College ART 101 at FAC

Steps to Enroll:

Deadline to enroll: August 19, 2024

If you would like to take Art 101, please complete the below steps.  

*Note - all Early College courses have a minimum age requirement of 16 years old. You must be 16 years of age by the end of the first month (August 31 for Fall Semester; January 31 for Spring Semester) in order to take Art 101.

NOTE: Since this course is an online course, Greenville Technical College requires that students take COL-111 as a co-requisite.  The COL-111 course is a four-week online course that covers the basics of being an online student. 

If a student has already successfully completed COL-111 with Greenville Technical College, they do not need to take it again.

Sample Course Syllabus - this is an example of the course syllabus

ART 101 Course Information - this is a flier that explains more information about ART 101 at the FAC

ART 101 FAQs - this website answers common questions about ART 101, Early College, Placement Test, and other concerns regarding ART 101

Placement Test Information - this google document explains the placement scores, where to take the placement test, and/or what to do if your scores aren't high enough

Course Information:

 Semester:  Fall 2024

 Course Title: ART 101: Art History and Appreciation

 Program: Early College, Greenville Technical College

 Meeting Times: no scheduled meeting times; asynchronous online

 Start Date: August 26, 2024

 End Date: December 15, 2024

 Exam Date: no exam for ART 101

More Information about Greenville Tech and/or the Early College Program: 

Early College Program Information:

Greenville Technical College Admission and Registration Center

More Information about the Art 101 at the Fine Arts Center:

The Fine Arts Center of Greenville, SC was established in August of 1974 as the first specialized arts school in the state of South Carolina. Students at the Fine Arts Center are artistically talented and wish to take an intensive pre-professional program of study. Students apply and are selected on the basis of talent, interest, and commitment to their discipline and study. Students are provided advanced comprehensive arts instruction in the areas of architecture, theatre, dance, visual arts, music, creative writing, or digital filmmaking.