Resource Syllabus

Resource Syllabus Information

LD Resource

We are in this class to get extra help so we can learn and be successful in school, get good grades so we can go to the next grade and then someday go to college.

The students who are assigned to this class have had psycho-educational evaluations and have exhibited discrepancies between aptitude and achievement. Evaluation data and formal and informal assessments are used to develop annual IEP's with appropriate goals and objectives. An individual criterion for the mastery of each objective is included in the IEP as are methods by which mastery will be assessed. In addition to academic requirements, all students must also meet the attendance policy requirements of the district.

I will assess the students formally and informally using the standard district grading scale every 4.5 weeks. My students will be graded on the work accomplished at their instructional level.

All students in my classroom will participate in state and district assessments. Students may be given accommodations for these tests, however these accommodations must be on their IEP and must also be used in the regular ed. classroom during testing situations.

Reporting to parents will be done every 4.5 weeks through progress reports. Evaluations to measure progress will include curriculum-based assessments, teacher-made tests, standardized tests, and teacher observations paired with the recording of data. Portfolios of the students' work will be maintained and kept in each students's compliance folder. Compliance folders are kept in the classroom and put in the due process file at the end of the school year.

The rating scale for progress reports for goals and objectives on the IEP are:

M Mastered

P Progressing

SP Slowly Progressing

NI Needs Improvement


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