Parent/Teacher Relationship

I believe that a good parent-teacher relationship is necessary for maximum school success.  Throughout the year I will communicate with you through notes, telephone calls, weekly newsletters, my website, progress reports, student-led conferences, and parent-teacher conferences.  Student-led conferences, facilitated by me, will be held during the first reporting period.  However, I encourage you to contact me if you have any questions or concerns at any time.  You may call me at school (355-2254) and leave a message, schedule a conference, write me a note, or e-mail me (

Weekly Folders

You will receive your child’s weekly work and class newsletter in a Teacher/Parent Communicator Folder on Tuesdays.  Please review the papers with your child, sign the folder, and return the next day.

Classroom Rules

The rules will be posted in the classroom along with rewards and consequences.  We will go over these at Open House.

Parent Participation

Throughout the school year there will be a variety of special classroom activities and celebrations.  I encourage you to attend these functions when possible and to support them.  Your support of school activities makes your child feel important and sends the message that you value school.  Open House - Monday, September 11th 6:00-7:30 p.m.

School Attendance

Your child’s regular and prompt attendance at school is crucial to his/her success.  School begins at 7:45.   Most of our learning activities are group oriented and involve interaction with classmates.  Please view school as a priority, and see to it that your child attends everyday, except in cases of illness or an emergency.  Please try to schedule medical appointments after school hours or on student holidays. 


If you plan to pick up a child that normally rides the bus or goes to daycare, or if you wish for your child’s transportation to change for a particular day, please send in a written note.  If no written note is received, your child will be sent home by his/her usual method of transportation.  In extreme emergencies, you must notify the office of transportation changes.  Teachers may not receive your message in a timely manner. 

Early Dismissals

Please send a note in the morning if you plan to pick your child up early.  Check in at the office to sign your child out and the office staff will call for your child to meet you there.  There will be no early dismissals after 1:45 p.m.

Student Dress Code

The student dress code is posted in the Student Handbook.  Please note the following:  shorts and skirts need to be finger length, no hats or hoods in the building, shirt straps should be 3 fingers wide, and no crop tops.


Lunch money is collected in our Bobcat Café or may be deposited into your child’s account through My School Bucks located on the Buena Vista website.  NO CHARGING WILL BE ALLOWED THIS YEAR.  Lunch is no longer free for everyone.  A student lunch costs $2.50, and an adult lunch costs $4.75.  A free and reduced application is required to receive free and reduced meals for the 2023-2024 school year.  Applications can be filled out online.  Go to Food and Nutrition Services Quick Link on the Buena Vista Website.  Breakfast is still free for all students. 

Outdoor Recess

The children will be having recess everyday, unless there is inclement weather.  We will try to be creative to provide a quality time for the children at recess.  Please keep this in mind when helping your child select clothing for the day.   Sandals, flip flops, and dress shoes may not be ideal on some of the climbing equipment and the slides.  Please be sure to read the handbook policy for our district dress code.  


PTA will provide cookies for monthly birthday celebrations.  Please do not send in birthday treats.


There will be a weekly math sheet and spelling words.  In addition, there will also be 20 minutes of daily reading. There will be times when your child may also have social studies or science study guides.  Homework will usually be assigned Monday through Thursday.  


Grading Scale

A = 90-100 C = 70-79   F = 60 and below

B = 80-89 D = 60-69


Please make sure your child comes to school with a fully charged chrome book.  The chargers remain at home.  If your child’s chrome book runs out of battery during the school day, then they will be without a chrome book for the remainder of the day.  We do not have extra chargers in our classroom. 


If you did not preorder supplies, the following is a list of materials that your child will need:

Must Haves

5- 100-count marble composition books, wide ruled 

4- vinyl pocket folders 1 of each color (red, blue, green, yellow)

1- 24-count colored pencils

4 - large glue sticks 

2- 24 count Crayola crayons 

1-4 pack Expo black dry erase markers (low odor) 

1- spiral notebook, wide ruled

4- large pink erasers 

1- box Kleenex 

2- dozen #2 pre-sharpened pencils 

1- yellow highlighter 

1- set of headphones 

Please refer to the Student/Parent Handbook/Calendar for additional information on curriculum, instruction, school policies and regulations.