Classroom Management

Classroom Behavior Management Policy:

Class Dojo: The fifth grade teachers will be using Class Dojo to keep track of students behavior throughout the day. Students can earn positive dojo points for completing their homework and displaying good behavior. These points can be cashed in every few weeks for classroom rewards. Students can also earn negative dojo points by failing to complete homework assignments or by displaying inappropriate behavior. Students will have consequences for each negative dojo that they earn.


1 negative dojo (that is not for homework) = warning

2 negative dojos = silent lunch

3 negative dojos = silent lunch and partial independent recess (10 minutes)

4 negative dojos = silent lunch, full independent recess, and parent contact

Parents can check their child's dojo points online or through the mobile app, once they receive their child's code. By connecting, parents will be able to see how their child is doing (positive and negative) in each of their classes. Class Dojo also allows parents to be able to communicate with each teacher (through the messenger) about the specifics of their child's behavior or with other questions/concerns.