Class Syllabus

Mrs. Adams 5th Grade Class Syllabus

Brook Glenn Elementary School

Phone #: 864-355-4706


Our School Mission Statement:

To provide the foundation for students to become lifelong learners and responsible citizens through the combined efforts of home, school, and community. 

Communication with Parents:

1.) Newsletters= Students will receive a weekly electronic newsletter. The newsletter will also be posted on Class Dojo. The newsletters will keep parents informed about what we are learning in our classroom, upcoming events, and classroom assignments for each subject area.

2.) Behavior Recorded Online= Parents may access their child's dojo account by logging into their class dojo account. Codes for Class Dojo will be given at the beginning of the year, but if it is lost for any reason then please contact your child's teacher to receive your code. 

3.) Website= I will update our class website throughout the school year. The website contains important information regarding our class schedule, behavior management policy, and other educational resources for students to use at home. 

4.) Phone Call= Contact me with questions or concerns anytime at 864-355-4706. 

5.) E-mail= Please feel free to contact me at 

6.) BackPack/Power School= Parents can check their child's current grades at See Beth Watts in the front office for your login information.

7.) Conferences= Parents may set up a conference anytime to discuss questions or concerns. Please schedule a conference time with me by phone, note, or email ahead of time so that I can make myself available.

8.) Grade Reports= Students will receive a progress report and report card each nine weeks. These reports must be signed and returned within two days.

9.) Student-Led Conferences= We will hold student-led conferences in October. This is an opportunity for parents to come into the classroom to see the progress that their child is making so far this year. 

Grading Scale:

A: 90 -100

B: 80-90

C: 70-80

D: 60-70

F: Below 60

Progress Reports and Report Cards are sent home at the halfway mark and end of each nine weeks. Progress Reports and Report Cards need to be signed and returned as soon as possible.

Student Records= Student records are located in the main office. I keep a hard copy of student grades in my classroom and a digital copy is stored in PowerSchool. Parents and students can view progress at any time by setting up a conference with the teacher or by logging in to BackPack/PowerSchool. If you have not already received your login for the parent portal to access your child's current grades then please see Beth Watts in the front office to obtain this information. 

Procedures for Non-Instructional Routines: 

Morning Procedures=  Once students arrive at school they should first go to the cafeteria for breakfast and then go to their homeroom classroom, Students should enter their classroom quietly and unpack their belongings, sharpen pencils, make their lunch choice, turn in notes/lunch money, use the bathroom if needed, and begin morning work. The morning announcements will come on at 7:45 am. Students are to listen while they continue to work on their morning work. 

Changing Classes/ Walking in the Hallways= Students are to remain silent in the hallways so that they do not disrupt other classes. They should walk in a straight line (on the colored blocks), facing forward, with their hands by their sides. Students should stand quietly outside the door of their classroom until the teacher is ready for them to enter. At this point, they are expected to enter quietly, have a seat, and get out their needed materials. 

Restroom= We have three scheduled bathroom breaks (during morning routine, after related arts, in between math and reading, and after lunch). Students are asked not to use the restroom during class unless it is an emergency.

Lunch Behavior=  At lunch time, we line up according to lunch choice with lunch boxes at the beginning of the line. Students are to stay quiet in line while waiting for their food. The first 10 minutes of lunch are silent and the teacher will signal to the class when this time is up so that they can begin to talk quietly. At the end of lunch, the teacher will signal for one side of the table to throw their trays away and to line up on the yellow line. After all students on the first side have gotten in line, then the other side of the table will throw their trash away and line up.

Dismissal= Safety patrols will leave when the afternoon announcements begin. Students will begin packing up at 2:05 PM. They will stack their chairs and wait quietly in the classroom to be dismissed. 

Emergency Drills= Students will line up quietly at the door and wait for instructions from their teacher. Students will then file outside quickly and quietly to their class-assigned location. 

Health Room= Students are allowed to go to the health room at the discretion of the teacher. They must have a signed pass that includes the reason for their visit and the time they were sent down. 

Classroom Behavior Management Policy: 

Class Dojo= The fifth-grade teachers will be using Classroom Dojo to keep track of student behavior throughout the day. Students can earn positive dojo points for completing their classwork/homework and displaying good behavior. These points can be cashed in every few weeks for classroom rewards. Students can also earn negative dojo points by failing to complete classwork/homework assignments or by displaying inappropriate behavior. Students will have consequences for each negative dojo that they earn. 


1 negative dojo (that is not for homework) = warning

2 negative dojos = silent lunch

3 negative dojos= silent lunch & partial independent recess (10 minutes)

4 negative dojos= silent lunch, full independent recess, & parent contact 

Parents can check their child's dojo points online or through the mobile app, once they receive their child's code. By connecting, parents will be able to see how their child is doing (positive and negative) in each of their classes. Class Dojo also allows parents to communicate with each teacher (through the messenger) about the specifics of their child's behavior or with other questions/concerns. 

Missed Work/ Makeup Work Policy:

All assignments are posted digitally on Google Classroom.  Students will have access to their daily assignments every morning by the start of school. Students have the option to complete their daily assignments while absent. Students will receive their makeup work upon returning back to school. However, all quizzes and tests will need to be completed when the student returns to school. All missed assignments should be completed and turned in within two days of return unless otherwise stated by the teacher/ administration. Students are responsible for making up all missed work when they are absent.

Students are not allowed to retake any graded assignments for any reason. So it is crucial that they always give their best effort on every assignment.

Late Work:

There is sufficient class time provided for students to complete their classwork. If students are not using their class time wisely and not completing classwork assignments by the due date, then their overall grade for that assignment will be deducted 10 points every day that the assignment is late. At the end of the week, if the assignment is still not turned in, then the student will receive a 0 as a grade for that assignment.

Classwork/Homework Policy:

Students will only have homework if they do not complete their classroom assignments for the day. If a student fails to complete a classwork/homework assignment then they will serve silent lunch the following day. Classwork/homework assignments can be found on the weekly newsletter. If there is a change in the assignment or something additional that your child is supposed to complete then it will be recorded in their agenda. 

5th Grade Units of Instruction.pdf
Greenville County Grade Weightings: