Contact Info

Contact Me

You can reach me many different ways and I will always respond as soon as possible. Naturally, some methods are faster than others.


ClassDojo provides a space where we can message each other through the app. Additionally, I share pictures, videos, and reminders using the Class Dojo app.

Sign up here:


I check my email before school, during planning and after school. I will respond to your email as soon as possible.


Classroom : (864) 355-2795

Calls from outside the school will automatically be sent to voicemail. I will return your phone call as soon as possible.

Cell: (864) 406-9151

You can call or text the cell number above.


Place a note in your child's blue Communication Folder on top of all other papers in the Return to School section.

Schedule an Appointment


I will rework my schedule as much as possible to accommodate parent meetings. I truly value the opportunity to work with you in helping your child achieve our academic goals. Schedule an appointment through one of the methods above and I will be happy to meet with you. I can meet between 6:30 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. In order to ensure I am able to give you my undivided attention, please be sure to schedule an appointment.

Office Hours


Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday: 1:20 - 2:10