1 April 2022

Creating foundations for bright futures 

Dear parents

Welcome to the final edition of the spring term News Roundup!  It has been a very musical half term indeed! We've enjoyed the wonderful performance from our Year 1's earlier this month with their singing concert; the Year 5's were incredible taking part in a massed choir- Voice In A Million in Wembley; Year 4 were fantastic singing and playing their Ukulele and the Year 3's recorder concert was a delight!  A big thank you to Debbie Hagen, our specialist music teacher, who has organised all these concerts.  Her enthusiasm for music most definitely shines though and engages and inspires our children to develop a love of music! 

The children in year 5 have had a great two days at Cuffley Camp where they have been immersed in nature, engaged in new activities such as climbing, pioneering, buggy building and orienteering whilst developing their personal skills and of course making memories!  A big thank you to all the staff who give up their own time to volunteer to go and stay at the camp.   

The GPPSA School discos have been very popular this month, the children also joined the fun today coming to school with their wacky crazy mad hair! Don't miss the chance to have your child's artwork turned into a commemorative to mark the Queens's Platinum Jubilee.  Thank you to the GPPSA and all the parent volunteers who have been giving up their own time to make these events happen and raise money for the school! 

It's been great to finally host all our concerts, discos and to have our residentials back!  It has been lovely having parents back into the classrooms for the Come Learn With Me sessions.  We hope to have many more opportunities for parents to come into the school throughout the year.  Please do scroll down for an update from the government regarding COVID-19 and isolation.  

We are sad to say goodbye to Androulla Constantinou who is relocating to Cyprus.  Androulla has been at the school for many years and has taught many of the children here at Grange Park.  We wish her and her family well in their new endeavours.   A very warm welcome to Laura Ng, who will be Butterfly Class teacher from next term, as Amanda Ashun will be going on maternity leave.  Wishing Amanda the very best with baby number two! 

Thank you to all the parents for your kind and generous donations to those who have fled their homes in Ukraine.  Our mini-bus was full to the brim with supplies!  We also raised £655 for Comic Relief earlier this month which again will go to a very worthwhile cause.  

We received such positive feedback from the recent parent surveys we carried out earlier this term.  Do click here for the full results.    Thank you parents for your continued support this term.   Wishing you all a brilliant Easter break, hopefully the sun will shine and we get all get the chance to enjoy the outdoors!   See you all back on Tuesday 19 April.

With my very best wishes to you and your families

Tijen Hassan


Term Dates, Holidays and School Closures

Please click link to view term dates for 2021-2022 and 2022-2023.

Dates for Diary

Class Assemblies & Concerts


When a child attends school on a regular basis, they take an important step towards reaching their full potential, and are given the greatest opportunity to learn new things and develop their skills. The more time a child spends around other children, whether in the classroom or as part of a school team or club, the more chance they have of making friends and feeling included, boosting social skills, confidence and self esteem.

This half term we have a whopping 474 children who have achieved 100% attendance, this is a 50% increase from last half term. We are very proud of these children and they have been celebrated in our assemblies this week. Keep it up!

At Grange Park we aim to ensure our attendance is above 97%, Spring 2 has been a fantastic improvement on Spring 1, well done Grange Park! This half term we would like to share the attendance within our families: (This excludes any authorised absence related to COVID).

Well done Oakwood family, you are our winners this half term. You have made a real effort to jump from third place last half term! We are so proud of you for making that effort to be in school! 

Well done Grasshopper, Kingfisher and Tiger, you reached our target this half term of 97%. Tiger, you have taken first place this half term, What a great achievement! 

An excellent effort Neptune. You have again, for the 3rd term in a row, won best attendance in Grovelands family this half term. Well done to all those classes who managed to reach our target of 97%, namely Bluebell, Robin, Puma and obviously Neptune. 

An excellent effort from Puffin class, not only are you the winners for Oakwood family, you are the class with the highest attendance in the whole school! Well done also to Tulip and Leopard who reached our 97% target this half term. 

A good effort from Ladybird, Mercury and Lowry class who reached our 97% target. But, Mercury class are the winners for Trent family this half term, sliding in with just 0.06% more than Lowry! 

Keeping Children Safe

Covid-19: Changes to measures and guidance

The advice from the government has been updated from 1 April.  The view from the government is that the population now has much stronger protection against COVID-19 than at any other point in the pandemic. This means that the virus can now be managed like other respiratory infections, thanks to the success of the vaccination programme and access to antivirals, alongside natural immunity and increased scientific and public understanding about how to manage risk.  See below the updated advice: 

Driving Safely

Please be reminded that it is illegal to park your car on the yellow lines, white zig zags and 'school keep clear' markings outside the school and on the roundabout to drop off or pick up your child. 

Please do not stop in the middle of the road to drop off your child and do drive slowly down Worlds End Lane.   There are many parents who are stopping in the middle of the road to drop their children off (even young children) which is unsafe and is putting your child and others at risk.  Please park your car in a safe place (parents can use Old Grammarian's RFC and Sainsbury's car park) and walk.  

Please help us keep our children safe.  

Beginning of the Day

We would like to remind parents that the classroom doors open at 8:45am, for registration at 8:55am.  Please ensure that children are not left unaccompanied on the school premises before this time. The gates are open from 8:30am to allow a steady flow of children and parents into the school.  We do have a breakfast club at school, details of which can be found here.

Owl - Online Watch Link

If you aren't already aware of it, of OWL also known as Online Watch Link. This is an initiative jointly from Enfield police and the Enfield Council to keep you informed of what's happening in your local area from your local team. 

There are also schemes you can join like CCTV watch for residents with CCTV cameras, ring doorbells etc.. and are happy for police to utilise the camera in an effort to detect crime and catch criminals. You can also join Dog watch where you will receive dedicated crime prevention messages regarding your pets and keeping them safe. If you own a business in Enfield then you can also separately join Business watch and receive dedicated business messages regarding crime prevention and goings on in Enfield that affect your businesses.

OWL is fast becoming the go to system for police to contact their residents so please join up to OWL, its completely FREE and only takes a minute or two to join up. Simply visit www.owl.co.uk/met to sign up. Please let your neighbours know as well and build up a strong neighbourhood watch in your area.

News from our School Parliament 

It has been yet another busy and exciting term for our school parliament where they have been involved in many different activities, decision making and implementation.

At the beginning of the term they had the honour of feeding back to the school’s Local Education Committee (LEC) where they met Androulla Nicou, CEO of ELT and the rest of the school governors. They explained all that School Parliament had done so far this year and the entire LEC were incredibly impressed with how active Grange Park’s School Parliament were and of course how confident they were.

Other highlights have been meeting with ‘The Pantry’ to discuss lunchtimes and sustainability, setting up their own ‘MP Lunch Clubs’ (you may have heard your children talk about them) on the back of a recent pupil voice survey and of course helping to design and facilitate the hugely successful ‘Family Lunch’. Here are some articles the MPs have written about:

Children's Mental Health Week

During children’s mental health awareness week, the MP’s supported the implementation of the ‘Mindfulness Menu’ in the playground at lunchtimes. We know that mindfulness is important because it helps children pay full attention to what they are doing. It also helps children stay calm under stress and allows them to feel happier and enjoy things more. 

Due to this we wanted to encourage younger children to take part in different mindful activities, such as nature mandalas, mud drawings and the nature walk.

So we created a rota and timetabled ourselves onto to each playground to ensure that there was always one or two of us encouraging others to take part.  Written by Natalia and Hannah, MP's

Family Lunch 

On the 18 March, we had a family-wide event at lunchtime. Each family enjoyed lunch together all at the same time. They then played traditional playground and clapping games on the playground. As the event coincided with Comic Relief, we had nose themed games, such as ‘Pin the nose on the ‘SLT’ and a ‘Nose and Spoon Race.’

School Parliament helped to design this event and supported the running of it.  In order to decide what activities we wanted to play, the whole school parliament had a brainstorming session. Next the councillors, also accompanied by a friend, joined us for a parliament meeting where Rebecca taught us all how to play the games. We practised together and were then ready to teach the games to children in our family  during ‘Family Lunch’. It was very successful.

We have had positive feedback from all over the school asking when we will be doing it again! We are very excited for our next family event in the summer term! Written by Austin and Nicholas, MP's

The Pantry

At the beginning of this half term we met with the Pantry to talk about how lunch times could be made even better than they already are. 

When meeting with them we discussed any 'even better ifs' that had been brought to our attention by children around the school. We discussed portion sizes, possible menu changes, implementing a different system for getting the correct meals and introducing theme days. We are happy to say that we were able to resolve most of what we raised and what wasn’t concluded, the Pantry is working on it.

We also spoke to the Pantry about sustainability and trying to reduce the use of single use plastic.  The Pantry has ordered lots more knives and forks and are going to think about what they can use instead of plastic pots for the jelly. 

We also noticed that many people were throwing objects in the bins that they weren’t supposed to so we have shown children how to use the different colour bins for different types of waste: red for paper; green for food and blue for every other waste.   Written by Adem and Eisa, MPs

Curriciulum News

VIAM - Voice In a Milion

On Wednesday 23 March 116 Year 5 children had the trip of a lifetime when they took part in a massed choir concert called Voice in a Million at Wembley Arena. They sang a number of popular songs such as Uptown Funk, Unstoppable, Try Everything, The Champion and Fix You by Coldplay. 

It was a very late night but an amazing experience for both children and parents alike. 

Lauren, Aldjo, Freddie and Shivani from  Neptune class made an amazing banner and 3 of them proudly paraded it across the stage to huge cheers!

VIAM an entertainer

When interviewed, Niyam - Mercury class, quoted that it was a 'once in a lifetime experience'. The show featured many songs such as: Fix you, Uptown Funk, Champion, Temporary Home, Help a Child Belong, Don't Give Up On Me, Chosen Family, Giant, Human and Let Me Entertain You.  People were known to have cheered at the top of their voices and the hosts quoted that it was an honour to be back in Wembley after 2 years. The cause of the show was beneficial to the cause of adoption and children's health. This year they specifically targeted FASD (Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders)Written by James - Mercury class

Music Concerts

Year 1 performed their first ever live singing concert to parents. Each class sang a song and they also sang songs as a whole year group including 2 in Spanish. Ana Maria had actions for all the colours in the song and it was fun trying to perform them faster and faster as the tempo increased! The children rapped, sang and played instruments - well done Year 1! 

After two years, the recorder concert is back! Year 3 have been learning recorder since October and performed a number of songs with different styles: samba, traditional songs and even one with tricky syncopated Cuban rhythms! A few children who have been attending a lunchtime recorder club played some extra parts to the songs and some songs of their own.  Well done to everyone who took part!

Grange Park held its first whole year group ukulele concert on Tuesday 29th March. Year 4 have been learning ukulele since September with Paula Warren from Enfield Music Service and Debbie. They have learnt how to play a number of songs using chords and also by plucking the strings. They have learnt to read basic ukulele music (tablature) too. The concert celebrated all they had learnt and each class also had a turn at singing along with the songs. Congratulations on a fabulous concert everyone! 

Times Tables Rockstars

In the most recent competition that finishes on the 2nd April, Mercury are currently in the lead (at the time of writing). Could there be a new class champion?  Broomfield are also in the lead in the family competition, but there is still time for this all to change. The next competition will start soon after, so remember to keep playing regularly to help your class and family to victory.   The most important benefit of playing, however, is to improve your ability to recall your multiplication and division facts quickly, which will help your maths A LOT!!!

Top coin earner:

1st - Mira (5 Mercury)

2nd - Elif (5 Mercury)

3rd - Aleeza (5 Mercury)

Most correct answers:

1st - Mira (5 Mercury)

2nd - Qamil (4 Tiger)

3rd - Elif (5 Mercury)

Biggest improvement in studio speed:

1st - Theo (3 Willow)

2nd - Leo (5 Neptune)

3rd - Beren (5 Neptune)

Sports Update

Another term has flown by and there has been yet more news of sporting success for Grange Park. As usual we have entered many sports competitions; this term, Athletics, Football, Tag Rugby, and Netball. A large number of children across Year 2 to Year 6 have represented their school and shown some brilliant sporting values. 

Our boys football team have had a solid league season where they remain unbeaten. They also reached the last 8 in the Enfield Borough Cup. Well played lads! 

In a month where we celebrated International Women’s Day, our girls' football team produced some incredible displays and won the Enfield girls league. They have a cup semi final after Easter so they are on course for an amazing double! 

We are hoping the summer term will bring some great weather which will allow us to deliver sports such as Tennis, Rounders, Cricket and Athletics both in PE and after school clubs. We are all looking forward to the full return of Sports Day and even more success in borough competitions. 

Book Reviews

Each edition there will be a book review written.  Here are 3 book reviews for The Story Zone below

Acts of Kindness theme

When Dave loses his favourite toy, Dogger, he is very sad. But when Dogger turns up on a stall at the garden fete, everything seems all right - until someone else buys him before Dave can get the money! 

Read about the Act of Kindness his sister does to help Dave get Dogger back.

One ordinary day, Ordinary Mary stumbles upon some ordinary blueberries. When she decides to pick them for her neighbour, Mrs. Bishop, her thoughtful act starts a chain reaction that multiplies around the world. Mrs. Bishop makes blueberry muffins and gives them to her paperboy and four others—one of whom is Mr. Stevens, who then helps five different people with their luggage—one of whom is Maria, who then helps five other people—and so on, until the deed comes back to Mary.

When one child reaches out in friendship to a classmate who seems lonely, she begins a chain reaction of kindness that ripples throughout her school and her community. One kind act begets another, small good deeds make way for bigger ones, and eventually the whole neighbourhood comes together to build something much greater than the sum of its parts.

Other News

Parent Survey

Thank you to everyone who took the time to complete our parent Survey in February and also to everyone who gave their views via the Ofsted website.  It was terrific to see so many positive comments from parents regarding our school and the results gave us much to celebrate!  Please see below the results from the survey.  You can also view the Ofsted Parent View results by clicking here.    Click the table below to take you to the full results:

Here are just some of the things the parents said are the best things about our school: 

Comic Relief

Two weeks ago, the whole school took part in recognising Red Nose Day and the important work of Comic Relief. We started our week with an assembly, finding out more about the individuals and communities who Comic Relief helps,  in particular the story of Teddy.  We also talked about the significance of charity and discussed the necessity of kindness and supporting one another.

Then on Friday 18 March, we had a fun filled day supporting Comic Relief. Children came to school dressed up with a touch of red and joined in the Comic Relief fun by taking part in ‘Nosetastic’ activities during our family lunch. The children had a wonderful time and it was brilliant to see children relishing in ‘sticking the red nose on SLT’ and racing against teachers in the ‘nose and spoon’ race.

Thank you to everyone for all of your fantastic support for this great cause. We are pleased to let you know that with the fabulous support of the whole school community, we raised a total of £665  which will undoubtedly go a long way in helping the charity and all who are supported by it.

World Autism Acceptance Week

This year the National Autistic Society celebrates its 60th anniversary.  Today almost everyone has heard of autism but far too few people understand what it is like to be autistic. Now it is time to change attitudes.  Find out more about autism in by watching this video- What is autism?

In assembly this week the children watched a short video of a boy called Eli reading about a poem about being autistic.  The video introduces the children to the idea of difference and how our differences are what makes us unique and special.  Children explored what makes them 'them' and learnt to appreciate and value difference within our school community.  Click here for the video. 

Enrichment Clubs

For the summer term, all internal clubs will commence the week beginning 25 April 2022 until week ending 15 July 2022 (excluding half term and inset days).  For more information on these clubs and more that are running, please visit our website here.

Below you can see flyers of some of our external clubs. You can see these on our website here.

Rainbow Watercolour, Mixed Media & Clay Club

Let's learn French

Albanian Language Club

Smart Play clubs

Extend Holiday Club - Swing into Spring!

The Easter Holidays is fast approaching so it’s time to make plans for the children to stay happy, energised and engaged. Feeling bored at home? No problem, why not sign up to join in the fun at the holiday club! Click the image to find out more information. 

Smiths Schoolwear Easter Competition

Smith Schoolwear are running an INSTAGRAM EASTER COMPETITION for the chance to win a £40 SMITHS SCHOOLWEAR VOUCHER and an EASTER EGG.

Instagram @smithschoowear

Talents & interests and Always Stars

During our talents and interest assembly, there were many children with lots to show us...

...we had the great pleasure of listening to some amazing musical talents. 

We were also able to share some great achievements received this half term as well.

Here is a list of achievements and names: 

Always Stars - Spring 2

Well done to our ‘Always Stars’ from Spring 2. You have all shown that you have a positive attitude to your learning, ensuring that you contribute in every lesson.  



Don't forget to follow us on twitter to keep up to date with all the news and events happening at Grange Park Primary!


News and Updates

We are the official fundraising arm of Grange Park Primary and look to bring parents, families, friends, staff and local communities together socially to support our school.

Firstly the GPPSA  would like to thank everyone for their continued support and contributions towards this year's £15k fundraising target.  It's been a busy month with lots of fantastic fundraisers taking place including.

In April we are going to be holding a few more fundraisers such as Bags to School on 27 April and a careers non uniform day on 29 April.   

Queen's Platinum Jubilee Fundraiser

This year is the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee. In honour of this historical event, the GPPSA are running a special mid-year fundraising project, where we are asking your children to get creative and design their own commemorative tea towel or mug.  Don’t miss the chance to have your child’s artwork turned into a commemorative to mark this special occasion and help the school at the same time.

● The children will be given the artwork sheet to take home. 

● Over the holidays the children will need to paint/draw/decorate their commemorative design on the artwork sheet.

● The next step for you is to complete the form on the reverse side of your child’s artwork and return it to school by Tuesday 26 April.

● Once we have received your forms, you will receive an email and text message from Xmas4Schools with your order code and link to your online ordering portal. At this stage you will be able to pay for your professionally printed products which will hopefully be delivered before May half term!

Looking to Help

Click to go to our Facebook page. 

The GPPSA would like to remind all that without your support none of the fundraising is possible. If you would like to get more involved in anyway please let us know at gppsa@hotmail.co.uk or speak to any of the committee directly.

Go to instagram and follow us @Grangeparkprimaryassociation

We have a WhatsApp helpers group where information is shared and everyone is welcome to join! Please contact us to find out more.

Here is a fund page for anyone that would like to donate, any donation of any size will be gratefully received and help fund the items for the children that the school has prioritised for this year.

Signing up to easyfundraising which turns your everyday online shopping into FREE donations. 

 Please click on the image.

Using the Amazon Smile link when buying items by pressing the logo and search for Grange Park Primary School Association. If you are buying anything from AMAZON please use the AMAZON SMILE app on your phone. Just go into your settings and convert your original app to the smile version and pick Grange Park Primary School as your charity.

Entering our school lottery - tickets are only £1 per week.  There is a guaranteed winner each week and a chance to win £25,000! Click on the image to find out more. 

Looking to get some new name stickers to personalise all your child’s uniform, shoes, books etc? Simply log onto the website as normal, shop and at the end add in our unique code 65741 before you check out. 24% from each order will be donated to our school. See the flyer on our website page for more information. Click on the image to find out more. 

Stamptastic is the fastest way to name all your belongings. A personalised stamp made in the UK, usable on fabric, metal, wood and some plastics. No more sewing or ironing in labels! Please note that 20% commission from each order will be donated to our school. Click on the image to place your order. 

One of the easiest ways for us to make money on our two Fayre/Festival days is through stall matching. If you work for any of these corporates or another company, please ask your HR department about Stall Matching and let the committee know.  

Looking for a fun and crafty activity your kids will love?  Try a Free ToucanBox  (Click this link), P&P only and our school will receive £5. You can cancel the subscription at any time. 

Year Group News


Our little Acorns have really enjoyed our PSHE topic which is ‘Healthy Me’. 

We have talked about ways to keep our bodies healthy and enjoyed practising how to exercise. We looked at different food groups sorting healthy and unhealthy foods from a group of foods.

The children also discussed the importance of hygiene, hand washing, bathing, tooth brushing and looking after themselves. 

They also had great fun learning to take care of each other role playing doctors and nurses. 

The 'patients' being examined by the 'medical team'. 


Reception have been learning about the world around us and have travelled to many continents over the last few weeks. Most recently we went to South America.   

The children learnt that South America is made up of twelve countries, the Amazon rainforest is found in South America and a small strip of land joins South America to North America. The children also explored different types of food associated with South America.

They had a go at making their own salsa and guacamole dip which they then tried alongside tortilla chips. 

They all agreed that the dips were very tasty!

"The dice is a cube shape."

 "I can see a cylinder shape in the playground on the big posts." In maths we have been exploring 3D shapes and the children are experts at naming them. The children enjoyed going on a 3D shape hunt around their school. 

"Leon said ‘I can see a cone. We use a cone in an emergency when there’s a fire so no one can come and we have ice cream cones."

This month we have also been celebrating the Holi festival. This is a Hindu celebration and is known as the festival of colours and is celebrated all over the world. It marks the beginning of spring. The children celebrated by mixing paints and creating some of their own colours! 

Year 1

Year 1 visited St Peter's Church to find out about how the church celebrates Easter! The children got to ask lots of questions and were shown the main features of the church. 

"I liked seeing some of the things we have learnt about in R.E. like the bread and wine given in mass."

Taya - Butterfly class

"I saw a cross with the statue of Jesus on it. There were also pictures of Jesus in the stained glass windows."

Kaliyah - Dragonfly class

"I liked that we learnt all about Christianity and the story of Baby Jesus. I also liked seeing."

Avery - Grasshopper class

Year 2

This half term, Year 2 are constantly looking back at and referring to our seaside visit. 

In geography, we have created our own 3D models of a coastal area. Our models include the key features of a seaside such as a pier and promenade. 

In English, we have written recounts that retell our day at Southend-on-Sea. As part of our Year 2 writing competition, the best recounts will be neatly written up on a postcard. 

This week our writing has linked to our science topic. The children have been retelling the life cycle of a bean seed from the bean’s perspective.

Year 3

Year 3 have been ‘keeping it local’ this term as part of our Geography learning exploring Winchmore Hill and its history.  

As part of this, the children have been doing map work using maps through history, exploring digital maps on their chromebooks and researching the history of significant places in Winchmore Hill and how they have changed through history. 

As part of our field work, the children went on a local area walk to visit the areas they researched, interview members of the public about the area, talk to local shops and also to do some sketching applying their skills of drawing trees from a previous art unit. 

 We also explored human and physical features linked to our science learning.

Here, the children are taking care crossing the road.

To continue the learning we used the pictures we took to create to plot an interactive map of the area using Digimap software that the pupils have been learning over the past term.

Year 4

Roman figure drawing in the style of the ‘great masters’.  Year 4 have been learning about the Ancient Roman civilisation this half term.  As part of this, in Art, the children have been developing their figure drawing skills and will be creating a Roman soldier three dimensional drawing in the style of the Great masters, Raphael Sanzio, Leonardo Da Vinci and Michelangelo, in their final composition. 

The children have developed their observational drawing skills in this unit, with a focus on proportion and form as well as developing their shading and sketching techniques. 

They have explored a variety of poses and understood the significance in how adding details to the original outline, can bring the figure drawing to life! 

Take a look at some the children’s drawings that are building up to our final composition:

Sketch by Harry - Tiger class

Sketch by Harry - Tiger class

Sketch by Elif - Puma class

Sketch by Elif - Puma class

Sketch by Elif - Puma class

Year 5

In Year 5 this half term, our topic in Art relates to water (as our Geography topic is Rivers) and we have been studying the work of David Hockney.   David Hockney is an English painter who contributed to the Pop Art movement of the 1960s and in 2011 was voted most influential artist out of 1000 British nominees. As an introduction to his work, the children created mood boards focusing on his work.

Joseph - Neptune Class 

A moodboard is a visual presentation consisting of images and text in a composition.  

Kemal - Neptune class

Here you will see some of the moodboards created by the children. 

Kemal - Neptune class

Our end product will be to replicate a painting of a many forms. 

Aldjo - Neptune class

Human swimming, jumping or diving into water so in our next lesson, the children explored creating human figures by,  sketching lightly at first, 

following clear instructions then 

looking at the small details, 

taking their time and never giving up.

Beren - Neptune class

Ella - Neptune class

Shivani - Neptune class

We look forward to sharing with you our final masterpieces.

Year 6

Look at the photo to see slices of bread as part of the children's experiment - Window sill, Cupboard, Bookcase 

In Year 6, we have been studying microorganisms in Science. Microorganisms are very tiny living things. They are so small that they are not visible to the naked eye, so a microscope is needed to see them.

Microorganisms can be found all around us. They can live on and in our bodies, in the air, in water and on the objects around us. They can be found in almost every habitat on Earth.

We compared different types of microorganisms: Some animals and plants; fungi, Bacteria and viruses.

To see this in investigation, we created an experiment to see how mold grows. We put 3 slices of bread in food bags and placed them in 3 different locations (by the window, on the bookcase and in a cupboard) to see which location is the best place to keep our bread.

Children’s predictions:

"I predict that the bread in the cupboard will grow the most mold due it being warm in that location." Lamprini

"I predict that the bread near the window will grow the most mold as it is in a sunny place." Giles