Eating more vegetables and adopting a plant-forward diet is well-known to be better for you and the planet. But, wow, it is challenging to say “No, thank you,” to a juicy steak or a scrumptious bite of rotisserie chicken.

So don’t!

Nutrition and health experts are encouraging people to try a “flexitarian” approach to their eating lifestyle. This eating choice recommends that about half (or more) of weekly meals be built around vegetables and plant-based proteins.

There are many reasons to jump on board with a flexitarian lifestyle. Lowering your risk of hypertension, improving your cholesterol levels, and gaining more significant protection against cancer and type-2 diabetes are just a few. Studies also show that people who adopt a plant-based diet weigh less than meat-eaters. That's always a welcome win, right?

Are you ready to try it out? We have a simply delicious four-week plan that will have you happily asking, “More vegetables, please!”


Spending time outdoors in nature is known to reduce mental stressors like anxiety and depression. Outdoor adventurers will notice mood boosts, cognitive benefits, and overall emotional well-being.

Enjoying time outside has been shown to improve well-being and is a simple way to kick start a happy mood. Glasgow University conducted a study finding that regular exercise outdoors could cut the risk of suffering from poor mental health by half. Outdoor activity will also positively affect biomarkers that monitor stress, mood, and energy levels.

Did you know that 30 minutes a day of sunshine will help you sleep better? Exposure to natural sunlight increases sleep quality by setting the body's circadian rhythm—the biological clock—and stabilizing hormone function throughout the day. Getting a 30-minute dose of natural sunlight during midday is enough to trigger the group of suprachiasmatic nuclei cells in the brain that regulate and maintain a healthy circadian rhythm.

Try checking off a few of these simple outdoor activities this month!


No doubt you've heard it's essential to stay hydrated. The chance that you're not drinking enough is higher than you may think. Being dehydrated can cause fatigue, headaches, and irritability, plus potentially increase your hunger. Let's give your hydration a boost with our simple seven-day challenge.

This challenge is easy to implement! Everyone needs to drink water, so this is a friendly reminder to keep drinking up throughout the day and make sure you're getting enough. First, we determine how much water you really should be drinking. Then, we track our daily water intake for seven days and aim for the daily recommended amount.

Are you ready to drink up? We have great tips to keep you hydrated and develop a great new habit!


The journey to running a 5K begins with one step. Beginning is always the most difficult part! The goal of the 5K challenge is to create a great new lifestyle habit that helps you enjoy the journey and look forward to exercising each day.

A 5K (3.1 miles) is a realistic goal—even if you're not yet a runner. Utilizing the popular Couch to 5K app, C25K, the prompts will guide you to cross the finish line of a 5K race in nine weeks. You'll be up and running in no time!

Running events are popular, with over 30,000 unique races held throughout the country each year. The 5K run has the most participants. In fact, almost 8 million people crossed the finish line in a 5K race last year. So, what are you waiting for? Get in on the fun!