

Agendas are completed each afternoon - I use this as my main form of communication. Please read and sign the agenda for messages and watch for notices that are sent home.

Students are encouraged to check the Google Classroom for work they can try at home. A weekly email and any handouts will go out to families by the end of the week.


  • Read each day for at least 30 minutes, this includes weekends, holidays and even snow days! Practice using the strategies we are learning about in class, when you are reading at home. Remember, to become a better reader you need to practice reading every day. I do not send home books as students are learning and practicing daily how to find books that are just right. There also are not enough books in the classroom to send them home unfortunately.

  • This year we are reading and learning about poetry. Students are encouraged to share some extra reading time from their Poetry Books and this would be beneficial for one and all, plus it is a great way for your son or daughter to earn some stickers from me! These duotangs are sent home at the end of the school week and are expected to be returned by the end of the following week. Due to Covid-19 this activity will not take place this year.

  • I encourage borrowing books from the libraries (both the local and school), purchasing books from the monthly Scholastic Canada book order flyers or perhaps your could support your child's love of reading by ordering a magazine subscription from "Chickadee" and/or "Owl".


  • You can use some of the math websites on here to reinforce what we do in the classroom or on the Google Classroom.

  • There are words that they can practice listed on my website.

  • Have fun using the 100 Chart that was sent home in September to do some activities together.

  • From time to time there will be a worksheet sent home or a task to do that would be written in your child's agenda.


You can always encourage your child to do some creative writing (write a story, make a mini book, write a letter to someone - family, friends or a teacher, record facts about a topic, etc...) or do a research project on a topic that he/she wants to learn more about. Your son or daughter would be welcomed to present this to the class when they are finished!