Reading & Writing Activites for 1st Grade

Activities for Reading and Writing

(Kindergarten and 1st grade)

- generate words with the same beginning letter sound

- practice writing letters

- locate known words within text

- practice writing known words quickly and smoothly

- generate rhyming words

- clap multi-syllabic words (hearing the parts in words will help

them see the parts in reading and break longer words down so

they are easier to write)

- writing sprees (have him write as many words as he can in

2-3 minutes)

- keep a journal each day of what they did (saying unknown

words slowly to hear all the sounds)

- read a book to them and discuss what is happening, characters,

make predictions and connections, what did they like/dislike,

what would they have done, etc.

- play concentration or Bingo with frequency words (word wall

words), write them in pudding, make out of noodles, , shaving cream, painting, salt boxes, etc.