Mrs. Byrum Reading

Contact Information:

Mary Ann Byrum, Reading Teacher

Blacklick Elementary

6540 Havens Corners Road

Blacklick, OH 43004

Phone: (614)759-5100

Fax: (614)759-5110

** Please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions that you may have throughout the school year.

***Parents are welcome to come visit our classroom any time. *****

Reading Recovery

What is Reading Recovery?

Reading Recovery is a highly effective short-term intervention of one-on-one tutoring for low-achieving first graders. It is used as a supplement to classroom reading instruction. In Reading Recovery, individual students receive a half-hour lesson each school day for 12 to 20 weeks with a specially trained Reading Recovery teacher. As soon as students can read within the average range of their class and demonstrate that they can continue to achieve, their lessons are discontinued, and new students begin individual instruction.

Supplemental Groups/LLI

These small groups groups meet for 20-30 minutes 2-5 days a week. They do not take the place of classroom reading instruction, but provide additional support and instruction.

Reading Group Links:

1st Grade

2nd Grade

3rd Grade



Read Aloud

Children of all ages enjoy being read to. Reading aloud to your child is a great way to spend time and helps build a desire to read in children. By reading aloud fluency is modeled so that children understand what good reading sounds like. It enables children to enjoy higher level books that are still too difficult for them to read independently. Reading books that are above their reading level provides opportunities for vocabulary growth and dialogue. Discussing what is happening in the book, making predictions, connections, etc. while reading helps improve reading comprehension. Take time to read and enjoy a book with your child today.