Audition Information

Here you can find all of the information you need about the Audition process for the Guyer Orchestra Program. 

Audition music is released on the last full school day before Spring Break each year. 

(Due to the half day, Packets will come out Thursday, March 7th) 


FIRST: READ the audition packet cover letter, please!

THEN, find and print the correct AUDITION PACKET.


Finally, SIGN UP to be added to the audition schedule.


Q: Do I have to audition? 

A: Only if you would like to be considered for one of the top three orchestras, Rhapsody, Intermezzo, or Cadenza.

Q: What happens if I don't audition?

A: All incoming freshmen who do not audition or who do not earn a spot in one of the top three orchestras will be placed in Philharmonic (B4).  All 10th-12th graders who do not audition or do not earn a spot in one of the top three orchestras will be placed in Scherzo (A4 or B2).

Q: Which orchestra is which?

A: Check out the Ensembles page on the Orchestra Website.

Q: If I audition for Rhapsody (or Intermezzo) and don't make that orchestra, could I be placed in Intermezzo (or Cadenza), or am I only going to be considered for the group I am auditioning for, specifically.

A: Based upon all aspects of your audition, I (Mrs. Hanlon) will place you where I feel you need to be.  That means you could audition for Rhapsody and be placed in Cadenza, or audition for Intermezzo and be placed in Philharmonic (freshmen) or Scherzo (non-freshmen).  

Q: When / Where will results be posted?  

A: I will post results on this website about a week after the live auditions have all been heard.

Q: I didn't make the orchestra I tried for and I don't understand why.  What should I do?

A: Please email me (Mrs. Hanlon) and I will respond to you with my notes from your audition and with specific things I feel you should work on for placement in a higher orchestra.  At the end of the day, please remember that it is in the best interest of the program and each ensemble to have the right people in every group.  I do not get any joy from telling a student they didn't make the ensemble of their choosing.  My decisions are not personal in any way and certainly do not reflect upon the worth or potential of the auditioning student.  Every student is making progress at their own pace, and every student has a place in the Guyer Orchestra program.

Q: What are you looking for in my audition? (also, Common mistakes of auditioners) 

A: As the groups go higher and higher, I am looking for more attention to the MUSIC.  Beyond playing the correct notes and rhythms, I want to hear phrasing, correct articulation, and I can tell if you've ever actually listened to the piece of music before.  I'm also checking your PLAYING POSITION!

So, obvious: Correct notes and rhythms: I hear students each year submit auditions with either wrong notes, wrong rhythms, or even (gasp!) missed key signatures!  These are *usually* students who do not have the assistance of private lessons, so I would ask that if you don't have a private teacher, please play your packet for your teacher (or any orchestra teacher!) just to get some basic feedback before your audition.  

Less obvious (to most auditioning students, that is): Specific attention to articulation (what bow stroke should I use here?), dynamic range, musicality, all accents, etc. are played with intention.) Metronome markings should be followed!  You'd be surprised (or maybe you wouldn't) at how many students play the pieces either WAY too slow or WAY too fast.  (a LITTLE under tempo on a fast passage may be okay, but any SIGNIFICANT tempo change will make me question whether or not you chose the correct packet.)

The scale: This is where I look at your basic setup (left and right hand position), tone production, and intonation.  I usually play my scales without vibrato, but wouldn't penalize you if you play with vibrato.  

Have any questions about anything?  PLEASE EMAIL ME NOW BEFORE THE AUDITIONS GET HERE!  I'd love to answer any questions you may have so you feel comfortable preparing and knowing what I'm after.