Automate the Boring Stuff

Project Summary

Automate the Boring Stuff (AtBS) Project

After the Advanced Placement (AP) exam for AP CS Principles, the students developed prototypes that automated a boring task they or another population no longer wanted to complete manually. The students were to identify the boring task, and then prototype solutions. The students were expected to use computational tools to develop possible solutions in the process.

Slide Deck

Digital Interactive Notebook (DIN)

The Slide Deck below served as our Digital Interactive Notebook throughout the Polaris Project as we applied Design Thinking to develop our project.

Chad Niedert - Polaris Project Digital Notebook

Task Guidelines + Rubric

Task Guidelines




Student Work Samples

The student work samples below do not include the student's entire submission. Most of the students addressed the criteria (each row) of the rubric in a written document they submitted, although they were provided the opportunity to do so in an audio or video format.

What you will see below for the student work samples is the final iteration of the student's prototype.

Sending Files Individually through Email to a List of People

Text Friends on Important Dates from a Google Calendar


Lifting Schedule

Lifting Schedule

Health App

Dance Formation Maker

Decision Maker

Passwords & Usernames