Digital Portfolios

2017-2018 Pilot Polaris Group: The Risk Takers

The 2017-2018 Pilot Polaris Group took a big risk on an idea to try to develop a process teachers could use to guide their own personal learning. We used design thinking strategies called "The Polaris Cycle", which combined traits of the model of design thinking process with the Innovator's Mindset by George Couros. At the heart of it all is the idea that as educators we must break our silo and share our learning. This group of risk takers dove into their own learning and created some amazing projects that integrated technology in new ways. They also worked together to earn a variety of certifications from Apple and Google. Check out their work on the 2018: Risk Takers Digital Portfolio page.

#FTPolaris19 - Waiting for you to Fall in Love with a Problem