This Year's Book...

Fenway and Hattie by Victoria J. Coe

It sure is hard to be a dog. If only his Humans knew the struggle. Phew!

Fenway and Hattie is the story of a dog and his Humans, their understandings and misunderstandings. It is a charming tale of true dedication and friendship. Fenway and his favorite Short Human, Hattie, find a way to better related to each other. Readers will follow along as they both learn to see things from the other's perspective.

Victoria J. Coe keeps young readers interested and engaged by telling the story in the first person, from Fenway's perspective. We see the world - the backyard, the old house, the new house, the neighborhood, even elevators - through Fenway's ears and eyes and, especially, nose. That makes the world of Fenway and Hattie fresh and new, keeping readers alert, curious, and emphatic.

Readers of all ages will root for Fenway in his war against the squirrels. Families will roar with laughter at Fenway's escapades and learning experiences as he figures out his new house (with dog park included) and dog school (sit for treats). Fenway will inspire all Short Humans to stand up for what they believe, become a truly dedicated friend, and remember to always enjoy snack time. Fenway's optimistic attitude is contagious and will help students, parents, and teachers learn to better understand and appreciate the perspective of others.