Photo Gallery

Word of the Year

All students at Ocean Knoll participated in a goal setting activity called Word of the Year. I challenged students to choose a single word they would like to focus on for the next year - in an effort to grow more in that direction. We talked about what the word means to us, how it challenges us, and what specific steps we can take to accomplish more of our chosen word in our life. These are on display in the TRAC bulletin board outside the front office and in my classroom (room 1). Maybe you can put your students word up at your house as well? and maybe you'd like to choose your own word for 2023???


To practice perseverance, grade 1-3 participated in different team challenges (ball on spoon, cornhole, and puzzle mania). They practiced cheering each other on and not giving up when they started to feel frustrated. Upper grades learned about famous figures and the failures they experienced on their journey to success.

Identity & Teambuilding


Ocean Knoll is building confidence by focusing on our inner-self! See below for images of our work on individual, whole-class, and school-wide affirmations!

Minute-to-Win-It Teambuilding Fun!

Check out some of the fun we had out on the farm in a friendly, minute-to-win-it competition. We used our coordination, agility, and brains to tackle various challenges in under a minute!

Linked By Love Campaign

Our school came together and created over a 1/4 mile of recycled paper chain with messages of hope and love on every link to spread the notion that KINDNESS connects us all. We started with over 300 donated shopping bags, cut them into over 5,000 strips, and then spent intentional time writing messages to motivate and encourage ourselves and others in our community. I had the honor of reading each message and found myself blown away with the words our students wrote - their messages are powerful, their voices strong, and their ideas about what is needed to unite our world humbling. Once stapled, I laid our chain out in the form of a peace sign, and it wrapped around the entire sign twice. Six people made up the O.K. in the bottom right of the peace sign, which gives you good perspective on the scale. On Friday, February 26th, I delivered our section of chain to Kids For Peace, a non profit which will be assembling all the sections, in the hopes of setting a Guinness Book World Record for the longest recycled paper chain with messages of hope and love (115 miles is the goal). I'll keep you posted as to whether we break the record, and in the meantime, enjoy photos of the process below...

Emotion Unit...

Students learned the colors of their emotions, and we practiced ways to express our emotions, identify where we feel them in our body, and discussed strategies to calm down and shift when we find ourselves in a color that doesn't feel good to us.