Join our team!

Be a high school science teacher in Escondido!

We will be posting positions for the 2019/2020!!

  • We are looking for teachers that are credentialed in Physics, Chemistry, or Earth Systems in that order of priority. Do you have early interest in one of these positions? Check out our program goals for candidates and send an email to Science Content Specialist, Alec Barron, at:


Science Teachers on Special Assignment

Each comprehensive high school has a science teacher on special assignment that is available for instructional coaching and planning support.

Teaching Studios

We provide release time for teachers to engage in Teaching Studios. This allows us to explore the instructional practice shifts called for in our California science framework. Through co-planning, teaching, and observing a lesson, studios allow us to conduct inquiry into the “how” behind science teaching, not just the “what”.

Learning Communities

Science teachers are given time to work together on teams to examine student work and plan next steps with instruction. These learning communities are the core of our work to support NGSS implementation.