Newsletters and the latest updates from EMGT

Recent news from Malawi illustrates the challenging issues the MMCC faces on a continuous basis.

An early morning phone call asking if Mary Manyusa was at home was accompanied by the caller asking if she could speak in person almost immediately. Within two hours an elderly grandmother had traveled from a remote village and was on Mary's doorstep. She had brought twins born on 5th April 2020 by Caesarian section after the mother fell into a coma caused by high blood pressure and died. The twins remained in hospital due to breathing difficulties until 14th April when they were released into the care of their grandmother. The father had mental health issues and the grandmother was clearly struggling to cope and asking for help. She was advised to seek help from MMCC.

The twins are called Promise and Prince and have been immediately supported by MMCC with formula milk, clothes and blankets. This remains an all too-frequent occurrence in Malawi and highlights the continued need for support via the ellen mai guru trust.

Read the latest newsletter from EMGT

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