Grammar/ Writing

I can tell using pictures lesson 1.mp4

I can tell using pictures.

Verbs lesson 1.mp4

I can identify a verb.

writing lesson 2-I can tell using pictures.mp4

I can tell using pictures.

10.5 verb.mp4

I can identify a verb.

10.13 Verbs.mp4

I can tell if a word is a verb or noun

lesson 3- telling a story.mp4

I can tell a story using pictures

10.26-10.30 grammar.mp4

I can make a sentence.

10.26-10.30 writing.mp4

I can make a sentence.

11.2 writing.mp4

November 2-6

I can make a sentence.

11.2-11.6 grammar.mp4

November 2-6

I can make a sentence.

Grammar 11.9.mp4


writing 11.9.mp4


I can write sentences.

11.16 writing.mp4


Writing: I can write a sentence

11.16 grammar.mp4


Grammar: I can use adjectives.

1.4 writing.mp4

1.4 writing- I can tell using words.

1.4 grammar.mp4

1.4 grammar I can identify pronouns

1.11 writing.mp4

Week of Jan 11 writing- I can tell a story

1.11 grammar.mp4

1.11 grammar I can identify pronouns

11.18 writing.mp4

week of 1.18- I can explain how to do something

1.18- grammar.mp4

1.18 grammar I can identify pronouns

writing feb 1 I can use punctuation marks.mp4

writing feb 1 I can use punctuation marks

grammar- Feb 1 I can use proper nouns.mp4

grammar- Feb 1 I can use proper nouns

grammar Feb 8 I can capitalize proper nouns.mp4

grammar Feb 8 I can capitalize proper nouns

writing Feb 8 I can use punctuation marks.mp4

writing Feb 8 I can use punctuation marks