Classroom Expectations

Students in Resource class are expected to follow the same school rules as other students. Students that have behavioral issues are worked with individually. Some behaviors require a Behavioral Intervention Plan (BIP) which is created at the IEP meeting and is tailored towards that student's needs.

At REMS, students receive buccaneer coins for various actions from wearing hall passes, walking on the correct side of the hallway, picking up a piece of trash everyone else ignored, etc. These coins are traded in each quarter for a reward (if the student chooses to spend his/her coins).

Students who attend Resource are able to earn rewards for attending class, completing assignments, having a good attitude, and meeting academic goals. Rewards range from a buccaneer coin to free time on the iPad.

Every Friday, I choose a Super Sailor of the Week who has shown excellent attendance, work ethic, and good attitudes throughout the week. The Super Sailor of the Week is rewarded 10 buccaneer coins and 30 minutes of free time on the iPad.