Retaking part of the test?

AAPPL/STAMP Re-testing will take place 

on April 20th & 23rd, 2024!

Students who have previously taken the AAPPL or STAMP test and would like to retest in one or more parts should only register for the necessary part or parts.  

Sign up is available on the webstore. 

AAPPL & STAMP retesting will take place on April 20th & 23rd, 2024.  

Students have the choice to test on April 20th or 23rd. 

For the April 20th test students will report to the Studio Theater at 8:00 a.m. with a charged Chromebook and student ID.  

For the April 23rd test students will report to the Studio Theater at the beginning of 5th hour with a charged Chromebook and student ID.

Cost for AAPPL Retakes: 

Speaking $10, Writing $5, Listening and Reading $5.

Cost for STAMP Retakes: 

Polish or Hindi:  Speaking $22.90, Writing $22.90, Reading $13.90, Listening $13.90

Hebrew: Speaking $32.90, Writing $32.90, Reading $20.90, Listening $20.90

Cost for ALTA Retakes

Listening/Speaking $66, Writing $66, Reading $33

*LHS never wants financial difficulties to impact student opportunities for testing.  If you need financial assistance for adjusted payments or fee waivers, please contact your counselor or Kelly Debruler in the main office.

For more information on the STAMP test, including a practice test, click on the links below: