
In our classes this year, a great deal of work will be evenly distributed between group, individual, and paired assignments. We will be using Springboard and Holt Literature. We will be using Reader's Apprenticeship Strategies to improve our reading of complex text. We will be doing a lot of questioning, collaborating, and digging for the answers in the text.

Question Stems for Students (Reading Apprenticeship).docx

We will also be practicing our "Norms for Communication" to help us become better listeners, critical thinkers, communicators, and collaborators.

Norms for Communicating.docx

The texts we will be exploring this year are (in this order).

The Outsiders by S.E. Hinton

Animal Farm by George Orwell

Lord of the Flies by William Golding

Julius Caesar by Williams Shakespeare

Macbeth by Williams Shakespeare

Bronx Masquerade by Nikki Grimes

Tangerine by Edward Bloor

**** If you can, please purchase these texts for annotation purposes. Also, owning a text allows a student to read chapters at his or her own pace and reread sections as needed.