Additional Learning Materials

These materials are for trainings that are in addition to the areas of need provided by the SNS.  These topics cover specific topic areas outside the areas of needs along with supports for implementation.  These are provided with no charge to Wisconsin-based conferences.

To request a training sectional please email Katie Berg at


Autism 101: Understanding the Strengths and Barriers in Accessing Education 

Are you newer to working with students with autism? Come join us on a walk through of common strengths and barriers that might arise for a  student identified with autism in accessing, engaging and progressing in their education.   Learn a process of asking  “why” and how to stay curious when we are challenged by behavior or social actions we don’t understand. 

Supporting Student Anxiety

There are a lot of layers of barriers our learners face.  Anxiety can be a large barrier to learning and can take a fully engaged learner and put them in a place of distress or even at times crisis.  Not only affecting them emotionally but blocking their access to their education.   Come join us in learning the brain basics of anxiety and supports we can put in place for others.  

Behavior Impedes Learning?  I’ve checked yes, now what!

Participants will deepen their understanding of the question “Does the student’s behavior impede their learning or that of others?” We will dig into a variety of approaches to support inclusive strategies to address behavioral needs including:  interrupting bias, building healthy relationships, building proactive positive approaches, understanding the response cycle, and shifting adult mindsets. 

CCR-IEP Through the Lens of Social and Emotional Learning


Creating a legal document to express a team's support for students who require special education can be a complicated task.  The College and Career Ready IEP process helps in keeping the “I” in IEP, looking at the child as a whole and the needs they show up with.  In this training we will focus on the CCR-IEP process for the areas of significantly divergent social and emotional learning skill needs.    We hope to support putting the “I” back into the IEP.  Helping teams take a deep look into the supports, learning, and access that are planned for in creating their IEP.

Co-Serving: Showing Up For Kids


Looking for ways to talk to others and methods to be able to interact in a successful way with your colleagues to ensure more inclusive practices are used with the students you serve?  Struggling to collaborate with colleagues when views on behavior may be divergently different?  These barriers can cause stress, and prevent best practices from being used with, and around students.  This session will support participants in using purposeful strategies to approach, and share information with colleagues around students with neurodiverse needs.


Empower Students: Teaching Students About Their Brain


Participants will learn the importance of teaching students about how their brain works.  Information about the emotional  part of our brain, the social part of our brain, and how those two parts can affect academic access, engagement, and progress will be provided. 


Integrated Experience 

Participants will deepen their understanding of how educators’ behavior impacts the students learning.  They will walk away with techniques to change their own practice in supporting student behavior by utilizing proactive supports and environmental design.  We will be changing the lens we look at behavior through to overcome the challenging behavioral issues we deal with daily.

“Misbehaving” to Learning


Using the root cause analysis process, participants will  work through using language and building belief systems that flip the idea of challenging behavior from it's “naughty” behavior  to understanding  the behavior  as a  communication of a skill deficit or an inability to perform an expectation.    We will dive into the understanding of how educators' behavior impacts the students' learning.  Walk away with techniques to change your own practice in supporting student behavior utilizing proactive support and environmental design.  We will be changing the lens we look at behavior through to overcome the challenging behavioral issues we deal with daily. Already have this belief? Come join us to help gain ways to support others on their learning journey. We don’t change students, we can change our behavior and hope for support in change in others. 

Self- Management Through Visuals


Participants will see and interact with a variety of different visual supports addressing the Social and Emotional Learning Competency of self-management. Participants will be shown how to use visual systems with the whole group down to an individual to strengthen student awareness and self-regulation.  

Supporting Neurodiverse Students Intro

This training aims to serve as an introduction for educators and families supporting children with disability-related needs in the area of social and emotional learning (SEL). The goal of this session is to give an introduction to skill-based approaches to challenging behaviors that will improve social understanding and self-management of neurodiverse students. Learning opportunities with a focus on self-regulation, social communication, flexibility, resilience, sensory processing, and executive functioning will be provided.