About Me

Hello, I am Anthony Chan and I graduated with a mechanical engineering degree at University of California, Berkeley in December 2023. I have a few activities I enjoy like fencing, (astro)photography, and cooking! 

I am a mechanical engineer for Berkeley Formula Racing, where I design most of the mechanical components linking the electronics and the car, like PCB enclosures and mounts. I have the pleasure to be working with the team since October 2020, where I met many wonderful people and learned many skills.

I also participate in the Cal Fencing Club, where I am the foil captain. As I have been fencing for over 12 years, I am glad to be able to teach and monitor those interested in picking up foil. The club has been growing ever since the school recovered from quarantine, and I am happy to be able to help it grow.

On my free time, I enjoy taking photographs, especially of the deep night sky. Space has always intrigued me and being able to capture amazing images of deep sky objects like nebulae with a simple DSLR camera fascinates me. One day I hope to be able to have a dedicated imaging setup to capture the depths of space.