Our Make-Believe Play Themes


Grocery Store




Bradley Beach

Our Current Theme

Bradley Beach

(centers vary by classroom)

Here are some Kitchen Propmaking Ideas for home play.

Remember to keep it simple, and allow your child to help!  These are very elaborate.  A shoebox or plastic tub with 4 black circles drawn or glued on could easily be a stove, a sheet of  paper with a cup on it and some drawn-on buttons can be a blender.  A small box with slits cut into the top can be a toaster!  Toilet paper and paper towel tubes have endless possibilities - cans of food, burritos, faucets for sinks, ears of corn!  Shredded green paper (Let your child tear or practice cutting!) can turn into  salad, or green beans, or asparagus, while strips of yellow or white paper make great noodles!  A paper plate colored red and topped with strips of green, or circles of brown, is a pizza!

The ideas are endless!