
Deadline for filling the registration form: 30.06.2023

Please note that you could register for the conference alone or for the conference and workshop. Once you fill in the form below, we would send you a separate link for the payment of registration fees. We request that the payment be made within 10 days of the receipt of the link. 

We can only accommodate a limited number (75) for the workshop. Therefore, we request you to fill the registration form given below to indicate your interest. If there is an over subscription for the workshop we would have to shortlist candidates based on the responses below. 

Accommodation for the participants would be arranged at the IISER guest house. In the event we receive more application than we can accommodate, we could try to source rooms are nearby institutes - but of this there is no assurance. So, please do apply early. We will accommodate participants on a first come first served basis.

Registration fee is inclusive of



Conference stationery 

*Registration fee with accommodation:

Conference: 4,000/-

Workshop: ₹2,000/-

Registration fee without accommodation:

Conference: 3,000/-

Workshop: ₹1,500/-

Faculty could request for individual rooms. Students would be allotted double occupancy rooms. 

People traveling from outside can request for accommodation before/after the conference/workshop dates. Please note that you would have to pay the actual prices for stay/food in this case, subject to availability.

If you are from IISER Pune, please fill this form