Short Notes

"Studies have shown that when families eat dinner together, children do better in school and are less likely to get in trouble.  Turn the TV off during dinner and talk about your day.  It's a great time for families to reconnect." - Bob Arnette, counselor

"Ticket, please!"  If you want to limit your youngster's TV time, try this idea.  Every week, give her seven slips of paper.  Each is good for an hour of television.  Remind her to plan ahead.  For example, if she wants to watch a two-hour movie on Saturday, she'll need to save an extra ticket during the week.  

"What's in your backpack?"  Greet your child with this question, and you'll discover a lot about what he does in class.  

"Life doesn't require that we be the best, only that we try our best." - H. Jackson Brown Jr.